Wiki Page Name Change

edited March 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
Is it possible to change the page title of a Wiki page? I searched through the forums and couldn't find any discussion about this. I would like to be able to update page names/titles as content changes or maybe just realizing an error.

So far I have been coping the content, creating a new page, then deleting the old. This seems pretty insuficiant.

Thanks for any help,


  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Unfortuately, because you are creating a new URL when you make a wiki page, you have to start from scratch with a new page if you want to change the title. I don't see a way around this. Fortunately, they do make it pretty easy to create a new page, and I remember a time when it used to be much more difficult to remove an old, redundant page.

    When I am working on my wikis, I always keep Notepad open on my desktop, do most of my code there, and copy/paste from it into the OP system. I then save the code in case I need to make a change or, sometimes, alter the name of the wiki page. I recently ran into this problem on my Star Wars campaign. I made pages referencing a wiki page I had not yet made, titled "the-sith-armada" and when I made the actual wiki page, I stupidly named it "the-sith-empire." I had to then decide whether to go back and change the urls whenever they pointed to "the-sith-armada" or make a new wiki page to replace the one I accidentally misnamed. As I had all the code in my txt document, I opted for the latter. It only took about 20 seconds to do, so no big deal.

    Anyway, if I can be of any help, let me know.


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    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

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  • Deathypoo
    Posts: 2
    Hey I found this when I was searching for an answer to a similar question so I'll ask here...

    Say you had decided that you actually changed your mind and you DID want to call your page "the-sith-empire", is there a way to do a find/replace across your whole wiki, and change every instance on every page that has "the-sith-armada" into "the-sith-empire"? It's a long shot but I thought I'd ask...
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    There is an add-on for Firefox called FoxReplace that streamlines the process a bit, but since all your code will be done by-hand in your wiki, there isn't any feasible way to make replacing errant or obsolete urls an automated function of this site.

    Sorry, Deathypoo. I wish I had a better answer for you.
  • Deathypoo
    Posts: 2
    Oh well, thanks for the info and tip :)
  • RobertAnderson
    Posts: 2
    I was just going through this problem myself,since when you create a link it receives an address or folder name of the name you made it under.(example.I made the campaign name Trouble with trolls,every link that i made had the file name The trouble with trolls.i changed the name to Curse of the whit witch,but none of my links now from my Main Page (which now has the new name)I edited the links on the main page,just delete the link and then rewrite it.because it is now being written with the new title as the folder name the link will work)once you have rewritten a link on that page and you have already made a page for that link you can click on the insert link and insert it each time you change it on another page.I try that firefox/foxreplace add on but dont know how to work it,plus i dont know if that would really work since each page is separate,it would change each instents of that link on that page,but not all the pages.IDK?
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