Textile Doesn't Format Properly

edited March 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm trying to write up a dictionary page. For some reason, the bold and italic syntax seemingly randomly works or doesn't work. When it doesn't work, it just shows up as plain * or _ in the text. Using HTML's b or i instead can work, but it's more annoying.

This is the page: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/los-nuevos-angeles/wikis/a-runners-guide-to-slang

You can see the sporadic syntax. (I'm debating whether to use the definition syntax or tables. That's why part of it is done one way and part another.)

Here's the code for the first few lines:

|*Angel* _n._ A benefactor, especially an unknown one.|*Arc* _n._ An arcology.|
|*Breeder* _n._ Ork slang for a "normal" Human.|*Business* _n._ In slang context, crime. Also, "Biz."|

- Buzz := Go away. Buzz off.
- Chipped := _adj._ Senses, skills, reflexes, muscles, and so on, enhanced by cyberware.
- Chummer := _n._ "Pal" or "Buddy".


  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    huh... I don't see any formatting problems when I go to your link or plug your code into my own page. What browser are you working in? Everything looks fine in Firefox.
  • digitaldraco
    Posts: 2
    I copied the code, deleted the page, created a new one and pasted the code (UNALTERED) into it... and it magically works, now.

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