New campaign (D&D 3.5E) would require your comments

edited February 2011 in Player Lounge
Hello everyone. I've been a follower of OP for a couple of years now, but just "ascended" to be able to put my campaign in full writing gear.

So much good stuff and new ideas in here that I could not help myself for asking you guys for your opinions on what I've done so far.
It's not much compare to some great polished campaigns out there, but I'm getting there (one Textile trick after the other).

So please don't hesitate to leave your comments on my work as praise and respectful criticism are always welcome :-)

Thank you in advance, and hope to read you soon.



  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    You had me at Tiamat on the front page...

    I dig your use of status-specific images for the characters tab. Very smart and eye-catching. Seeing all those gravestones gives the whole thing an ominous quality.

    I really like the campaign-world hopping aspects, going back and forth between Dragonlance and Grayhawk. Are you considering any other campaign settings, like Dark Sun or Al Qadim?

    I'm still digging into your adventure logs, but the seem to have the three qualities of a good chronicle: detailed, eye-catching, and succinct.

    Overall, splendid work!


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

    "The System":
  • Alchemyst
    Posts: 9
    Thanks for your comments Dusk...

    As for your question (and because I don't think my players are going to see this, I hope), there is a great quest series coming on Greyhawk for now. After that I might go out of my "sweet stable chair" and try Dark Sun, just to give them a taste of it, and learn a think or two about this world I don't know.

    I've added a lot more wiki and currently in the work to complete the fastracking of the old games to be able to poste every other week as we play.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,013
    Hi Alchemyst

    I have been with OP since November 2009 and "ascended" in May of last year. It has been a great decision and I'm sure you will also reap the benefits, one of them being the Forums. It can be a really useful tool, provided players input as well. I flicked through some of your campaign and I see a few similarities to mine "Shimring": in that it involves action in several different places. I don't know Mystara very well but DO remember playing the Isle of Dread module many years ago. I am also not too familiar with Krynn but have a read a few Dragonlance novels. I also have Oerth in mine and my characters are busy right now in the "Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk".

    I see from your extensive Alignment section that alignment must be pretty important to your campaign. That seems a lot of good work in there. I was wondering how much you intend travelling between your worlds - constantly, or one world at a time? In any case, feel free to message me at any time to exchange ideas. I probably can't offer much in terms of Tech advice, as like you, I am learning step by step, but I will be happy to share anything I have learned.

    Good to make contact.

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Alchemyst
    Posts: 9
    Thanks Twiggyleaf.

    Travelling from World to World is a one way trip (for now) as it involves Gods from both sides openning up gates to let the heroes in and out.
    But who know for the future...maybe they'll find a permanent solution.

    PS : sure you'll have fun under Greyhawk.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Welcome Alchemyst!

    One of my campaigns, which ended in January of this year, involves jumping from world to world also. However the worlds my group visited were homebrew worlds. The gods aren't responsible for this however, instead the player's found a giant machine which operates on color crystals and takes them from world to world. It was really fun to DM. I'll have to check out your site when I get a chance.

    Happy gaming!

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