OP For A Gaming Club

edited February 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm sure others have already thought of this, but I want to make sure that it doesn't breach some conduct code...

I belong to a Facebook gaming group. We're small and it generally fullfills our needs. However, I started thinking, and figure OP can fill out some more of the demanding aspects. OP will give us a home page to mention what we're about; it offers a blog to record what we did last, and a forum to have longer, open discussions. I'm not sure how we would use the Wiki -- any ideas? However, the other tabs are unnecessary. Is there a way to remove them?

So my questions are:

Is this going against the spirit of the site, thus not recommended?
Can tabs be removed?
How would you use the wiki?


  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Hey BeZurKur,
    I think this is a good idea. as is common on these boards people are always finding new and creative ways to use Obsidian Portal, and its perfectly acceptable and even encouraged. I can't help you with getting rid of tabs or anything like that but with the Wiki you can do almost anything. how about linking and listing the games you play and settings you use? put descriptions of systems of whatever you like. you could even list the rules of the club etc
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Since I don't think you can hide tabs, I propose you use them creatively! My suggestions:

    Home: A general overview of what you're all about - the "elevator version", if you will. Put a link to the main Wiki page, and you should be able to make this a page that folks don't need to scroll much on.

    Adventure Log: This could cover both what is upcoming, and sharing all the moments from previous events that will be inside jokes for years to come. (Near the end of Florimel's campaign "The Vale", I would make sure the adventure log recaps included the funniest remark made that session. I really think that's the best part. =)

    Wiki: Use this as your infinite canvas for more details about the club. For example, your elevator pitch might say "Bring dice, snacks and a good sense of humor!" - use the wiki to expand on that. Does your club allow for dice-rolling programs (e.g. iPhone apps), or do you require tangible polyhedra? Is anyone in your group allergic to peanuts, such that you'd want guests to refrain from bringing them to gatherings? How much "table talk" does your group tolerate - will it be awesome or annoying if someone makes an out-of-character pop culture reference in response to something said in character?

    Characters/Items: Oh, come on, are you telling me your club members don't have characters or items they've created and would love to show off? I would be thrilled to find out someone other than Florimel was using my re-definition of the 4th-ed pantheon - I mean, I'm flattered he found it worth stealing too, but it was kind of his idea to do it, and he also knows all the stories and contexts that led up to what I concocted.

    Forums: I think this one is actually evidence that tabs can't be turned off. I am not currently an Ascendant member, but I have this tab as well. (If I click on it in my campaign, it takes me to the page where I can upgrade to said membership. If you were to click on it in my campaign, I think it'd tell you to nag me to upgrade. =)

    Maps: If anyone wants to show off their stuff here, too... Another possibility, since this is for a Facebook group, if there's a way to do a VBGooglemap and link it in, that might be fun. (I've never tried that and so I'd ask someone else if that's actually possible.)
  • BeZurKur
    Posts: 16
    Great tips! I really appreciate it and am going to start building it around your excellent advice. Thanks. :)
  • igornappovich
    Posts: 76
    welcome BeZurKur, you will find a lot of very knowledgeable gamers patrolling the forums! Glad you are using OP. Its a good fit for what you describe, I think.

    Happy gaming!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I just thought of another really obvious use for the "Characters" tab - if you want to pre-generate some characters so that new members can integrate quickly into whatever's coming up next (or ongoing!). Probably most useful for those who are new to gaming altogether, but sometimes it can be a lot of fun to be handed a sheet and told "Make this work". =)
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