I ran an interesting one shot adventure this weekend...

edited February 2011 in Player Lounge
Hey there friends!

So this weekend I got together with the two remaining members of our gaming group to discuss the setting for the campaign we will hopefully be starting soon and to go over how the character creation process will work. We haven't played D&D in nearly a month now and we were all Jonesing for some action. I came up with the basic ideas for a one shot adventure that the players could easily jump into. Normally one of the biggest obstacles for players in a single shot is "getting into character". For a campaign world it may take many sessions for the player to get really comfortable in their characters shoes, to think and feel like their character. Trying to avoid this problem by cutting out the role playing makes the game feel more like a board game than a role playing game because no one is in character and meta gaming tends to be the rule.

So what I did to make the best use of our time and make this one shot as simple as possible to jump right into I told the players ahead of time that I had a one shot in mind for later, but no other details. We got together and worked on the other campaign for about an hour or so.

After some time of people perusing the Pathfinder Core Rule Book and the Advanced Player


  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    DarkMagus, that is both funny and awesome. I heartily approve of that kind of role-playing - in the end, I think, most people have more fun and get more excited the further they get into character. I'll bet that your one-shot put your players as far into character as it's possible to go.

    Do you have plans to continue the story, or was this a one time deal to get them back into the role-playing spirit?
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    That sounds like a really great, original idea. I might have to steal your idea sometime when we're sitting around not knowing what to do! :)
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425 edited February 2011
    Thanks guys!

    Jonathon, I don't have any plans to continue it exactly. We ended with the police (or SWAT) showing up, so there was the feeling of "oh ok everything is safe now", however since it was so open ended if the time arises and I feel like pulling that story out of my magical DM hat again I totally can. Also we still don't have a full group nor characters made yet, so it could be a possibility that we pick this up again soon.
    Post edited by DarkMagus on
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    That sounds like a thing that my friend Optimus_Mush told me about running one time with our group while I was out of town. Did you both just come up with the same concept out of thin air, or did you pick it up somewhere? Either way, I was disappointed I missed it when he ran it, and yours sounds like everyone had fun, as well. Way to play around outside the box, Dark.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    That's absolutely amazing. Talk about beating your players with an inspiration bat!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Poutine, I just came up with the idea. I thought it would streamline the process of "getting into character" and it definitely worked. All I had to do was say, "You hear a noise and a scream, what do you do?" and they were hesitant for a second, but once they realized that they were just themselves they just went with it. I had a lot of fun and they really loved it. Now that I've seen how easy this is, I might do one shots more often, and do them like this.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    ...and boy are my arms tired?
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Gnunn, I don't know why that is as funny as it is but that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!
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