The End of an Age

edited February 2011 in General Archive
Hey all, just wanted to share that my current campaign, Broken Empire, has come to an end. That's not to say that I will not be continuing to work on my campaign setting, and working on my site, and generally hanging out around here. For those that are interested I have the adventure log laid out "here": for easy perusal. It's a lot to read, so I understand if people don't want to take the time, but I would love to hear what people thought about specific events, sort of some feed back to learn what people like better than others. It's all in chronological order, and it's just the main story, if you want to read it with character journals interspersed, then check out the regular "adventure log.": Thanks for the support on the site guys, it wouldn't be what it is without the encouragement and inspiration of the OPers.


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Gaaran, it's sad that the old campaign has come to an end, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. I know you've got some pretty clever projects cooked up that I'm excited to hear about!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Well it shall go down as one of the finest campaigns to ever be featured on the Portal. I'm glad to here that you will continue to work on your setting though: your site is among a very short list of my absolute favorite sites here at the Portal. Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store next.

  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    I always feel happy and sad when a campaign ends. Happy that I got to finish my story and sad that its over and that I'll even miss the characters. I teared up when my Ilumnos Series ended.

    I bet its going to be a great read (when I eventually get around to it, I kind of suck at getting to that, but I'm mostly through Dyluth's Star Wars now).

    *Raises imaginary glass*
    "Here's to stories untold!"
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085

    You have been an inspiration to so many of us here on OP, both in our wiki-based pursuits and in our efforts at the table itself. In the past year, several names have become common among my gaming group, and two of those names have been Gaaran and Melekar.

    To quote Jonathan Coulton, this is a triumph. I am thrilled for you, and believe me, I can relate to what you must be feeling right now.

    Pride in what you accomplished, and in proving your commitment to your ideas.
    Joy in seeing your works blossom on the Internet and gain dozens of eager fans (myself included).
    Sadness at the passing of something once monumentally integral to your life.
    Excitement for the prospect of something new on the horizon.

    I know this, because I have felt it. It is the feeling of a job well done, a game well played, and a story well told. Congratulations, Gaaran. I know this feeling, and I know few others who deserve it more than you.
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Gaaran, your site is, as has already been said, absolutely inspirational (not to mention educational) to other GMs working on their own wikis.

    I also know for a fact that I have imitated or copied code from things you have done (or altered) in my own wikis. What I mean is, thank you for putting so much time and effort in.

    Finally, you've clearly got a great group helping to bring that world to life. One story may have ended, but I look forward to seeing what you do next.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Thanks for the inspiring words guys! I plan to continue to work on my campaign setting, but it's probably going to be a little while before I run another game, I'm playing in a couple of other games.

    It's been great to be a part of this community, and I look forward to more, fellow OPites!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    I think you just made Dusk's night by calling us OPites! :)
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