New Cyberpunk 2020 campaign

edited February 2011 in Player Lounge
Hi all!

I've been wanting to run a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign for a LONG time, and this site has helped me gather and organize all my crazy ideas into one place. I've never played a CP2020 game before and neither has any of the potential players involved so It's gonna be an interesting experience at the start.

If anyone has any good website references or just tips and advice for a new CP2020 DM then let me know! Anything is appreciated.


    Posts: 3 edited February 2011
    Post edited by ZERO_COOL on
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited February 2011
    Hey there Ryan, welcome to the Portal! I've actually never run or played in a cyberpunk campaign myself, but the best cyberpunk campaign that I know of here at the Portal would be JimTriche's "Shadowrun: Into the Breach": While it makes use of a different system than the one you will using, it is choc-full of great ideas that I imagine would be useful to any cyberpunk game. Also, I just gave your site a quick once over and it is nicely laid out. I'll have to stop by for a closer look soon when I can find some time.

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Hey, Ryan! Arsheesh beat me to it, but welcome! He recommended JimTriche's Shadowrun campaign, but I'd like to point you to "the Gibson Institute": and "Ronin": as well, two of Jim's other cyberpunky exploits. The Gibson Institute is a repository for game ideas, and Ronin is like a classic choose-your-own-adventure story.

    I have no familiarity with CP2020, and very little with cyberpunk in general, but I checked out your campaign page and I can see you are already off to a great start. I dig the link to the cyberpunk name generator. I think I may get some use out of that for my Star Wars game, actually.

    Anyway, good luck, and if you need any help, let me know!


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

    "The System":
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Hello and welcome. As another with very little cyberpunk experience, I can only say that I agree with the guys above saying that there definitely are good cyberpunk sites around the portal for you to explore, and feel free to show up here on the forums and join in any of our many (sometimes even useful or informative) discussions.
    Posts: 3
    Thank you all for your responses! I'll definitely check out those other Campaigns for inspiration!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Welcome Ryan.

    I've never played CP2020, but I have played Shadowrun before. (I know its not pure cyber punk because it has urban fantasy elements, but whatever). I'm interested to see what the system and setting are like. I'll have to check out your page later. Right now we're taking a break but in the middle of a one shot adventure.

    Happy Gaming!

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