Campaign Settings Category

edited January 2008 in Feature Requests


  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Currently campaigns have a name, URL-friendly name, tagline, game system, status, description, looking for players, and publish option. I'd like to see a new option between game system and status: setting. There are quite a few settings published by game companies, many more homebrewed, and even a more than a few which are a blend. If the setting field could also be searchable, that'd be cool.

    I think this would be preferable to combining settings into the game system as suggested here:
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    I agree, it makes far more sense to have 2 fields for this info rather than one. Plus it makes sense for settings to be unrelated to systems - I've played many a game where we were using the WEG Starwars D6 system in homebrew settings as well as standard D&D-style fantasy settings.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    bq. I agree, it makes far more sense to have 2 fields for this info rather than one. Plus it makes sense for settings to be unrelated to systems – I’ve played many a game where we were using the WEG Starwars D6 system in homebrew settings as well as standard D&D-style fantasy settings.

    Another example is how "Feng Shui": is its own game system, but they created "a d20 adventure": using their setting.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    I also agree with this idea. D20 is notorious for multiple settings but we're starting to see more of that with other systems. Savage Worlds for example, doesn't have a default setting but various "Savage Settings" to run games in. All Flesh Must Be Eaten has multiple "Deadworlds" to play in. Tru20, Mutants and Masterminds, Palladium, World of Darkness (to a certain degree), etc all have various worlds to play in. Then if you want to get a bit more esoteric, games like Shadowrun have a very different feel if your running in Seattle as opposed to Los Santos or Rifts feels different if your in Atlantis or Chi-Town.

    If you allowed it to be a simple text box as well it'd be less stress then adding new settings into the system combo box.
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    bq. If you allowed it to be a simple text box as well it’d be less stress then adding new settings into the system combo box.

    If you also made the text box have a simple ajax-style auto-complete, then it would help cut down on duplicates too (i.e. where someone had 'Eberron' and some else has 'eberron'), as well as speeding things up when entering settings.
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