Linking character from other campaign

edited January 2011 in Campaign Portal Building

I've created a campaign. We've been playing it for some times and I have started creating another campaign that takes places in the _same area_ as in the first one, but several hundred years later. I've created a "character" of this area for people to learn more of it.

So I would like to use this same "character" in my second campaign. Is there any way to link it so the two campaigns would be working in cohesion with another?


  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I think a character can be a PC in one campaign and a NPC in another. But that's all I can say off the top of my head.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Hi Celestino,

    I'm not too sure this will be helpful advise but you might want to consider making a wiki page for this area. It will allow much more flexibility than making it a character and you can link to it from anywhere. I checked out your site and it looks like you have places and things in with the characters. (I could be wrong, I couldn't read the language, sorry). I'm not sure what your reasoning is for doing this. You might have a good one. If you don't then you might want to consider using the wiki pages for detailing everything that is not a character.

    Good luck!
  • Celestino
    Posts: 7

    @DarkMagus: Yes I've put characters, artefacts, important notes and more importantly, the area the players play in the character section because apparently the "items" section didn't work properly so I was informed that everything should be created as "characters".

    So what you're suggesting is to create the "area" in the wiki section. Is that then linkable to the other campaign?

    This is what I had in mind;

    Campaign 1: Players play
    Campaign 2: ~100 years later, the "area" is now defined how the players played in the first campaign meaning they'll create history as we play it.

    Campaign 2 info: "this takes places 100 years after *LINK to campaign 1 wiki*" this?
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    you can link to any web page from your wikis. The only thing to note is that if the page you are linking to is not in the wiki you are linking from than you have to format the link differently.

    Heres what I mean. Normally we use double brackets [[ ]] on each side of the name of the wiki page we are linking to. So Page A to Page B on campaign 1 you would just type [[Page B]] and the link would work. However if you want to link to Page C which is on campaign 2 then you would have to format it like so "Page C":http://address-of-web-page.html So your link now starts with quotation marks around the text then a colon and then the web page address with no spaces.

    And you could edit the page you link to so that it could have a link back to that second campaign so viewers can go and return.

    Hope that helps! If you need anything else let me know.
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