Should One Create a Campaign Page for a One-Shot Adventure?

edited January 2011 in General Archive
Good evening friends. One of (the very many) reasons I haven't been able to begin the planned updates to my Star Wars: Dawn of Darkness campaign as of yet was because this past weekend I was lucky enough to be a GM in a "Great Gaming Weekend" at my hometown university, where over the course of two days about a dozen GM's ran one shot adventures open to friends and strangers alike for the purpose of expanding the local ranks of gamers :).

It was a complete success, and plans are already underway for yet another such weekend. My question is, would it be appropriate to set up a campaign page for one of these one shot adventures? If I were to do it it would be for the purposes of sharing characters and what not with others so that other GM's might run a similar one shot or borrow the characters for their own adventures. Is this already done here on OP or is this sort of thing taboo?

Any feedback or thoughts would be most welcome indeed!


  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    I don't see how this would be any different than selling one-shot adventures like some companies do...except for the "selling" aspect, of course.

    I think it would be great to have a "one-shot adventure" section on the Portal so that GM's could easily just run one of these in the event that a) one or more of their players doesn't show for a session (God forbid!) b) just to mix up their sessions to keep their players' interest or c) just cuz they wanna.

    You're on to something here, Dyluth. I want to go to one of these gaming weekends, that sounds awesome. I think my hometown University should put one on...who did yours, and how would I go about learning more?
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Go for it Dyluth! I think it's a great idea. I'm glad to here the one-shot campaign was a huge success by the way. I've never done one myself, but I think with the right crowd it could be allot of fun.

  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    The more I think about this the more I like the idea of having a one-shot compendium-type site where GM's can "borrow" whole adventures/scenes to run. Not sure how it would work, as you'd need various "campaigns" within one "campaign" site, if you get me. Maybe could just do it with links.....ooooooh, I'm liking this concept.

    Not the guy to be taking on this project, though, everyone. Don't think that I'm volunteering for this. Damn, did I just volunteer for this?
  • VentureSix
    Posts: 30
    I think this is a fantastic idea! Great for general sharing and a think-tank atmosphere.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425 edited January 2011
    I don't see the problem with that at all. People use the tools here for more than just what they were meant for originally. I'm thinking of The Fantastinomicon, The Gibson Institute, my Gaming Music page, and some others, all of which aren't even games, at least yours is a game. I say go for it! :)

    Also, I don't know where you're from but I wish I was from that area. I am totally feeling the same as Poutine. We gotta get something going on in our respective areas.

    edited for spelling, hehe
    Post edited by DarkMagus on
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    I think this is an awesome idea. you could even have various wiki pages for each system, or system-less scenes/adventures. awesome. i can't say as i would volunteer to head this, but i would definitely contribute some one shot ideas i have had. Especially the one the kind people here have helped me with.

    Poutine- I think you just volunteered to help. hehe
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085

    These tools aren't exclusive to the long-term game. We use Obsidian Portal like a canvas for our ideas. Whether those ideas entail a massive campaign or a one-shot adventure, they represent the expression of our innate need to create, and to share our creations with one another.

    So, please, make your new campaign wiki, fill that canvas with the dazzling brilliance of your ideas, and share your success and excitement with us. That is why we're all here, after all!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I think it's an excellent idea! I mean, I have a campaign that I'm eventually going to turn into a wiki-linkable Gaming Cookbook, so why not!
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    oh and if you do this Dyluth please put a link to it, so we can all praise it (and/or criticize it) lol. jk about the last part.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    I agree with everything that has been said so far. I too have thought about doing something similar. A while back, I ran a one-shot for some of my friends who were desiring a gaming fix. I set it in the Westerlands universe and wanted to use the adventure to start fleshing out an otherwise untouched part of the game world. I really think that the culture around here is all about coming up with innovative ways to use OP.

    For instance, you could use the adventure log section to present the mechanics and story of a particular adventure rather than a recap of how it went after it was run... or both.
  • Dyluth
    Posts: 92
    Well then, I shall proceed with great haste in getting this campaign up on OP and soon. As for the game itself Poutine_Paladin, it was put on by the McMaster University Nerd Club here in Hamilton, with co-operation with many McMaster alumni.

    On the Saturday we gamed from noon to midnight, and on the Sunday we gamed from noon to seven. We all got one hour breaks in between to rest and reload, but almost all games (and mine included) ran long and stretched well into those hour in between breaks, which of course lead to the breaks being pushed back and start times being pushed back... these things happen with role playing after all.

    We were able to secure a good section of a student building to run the games in with a large open classroom for each individual game, and I truly tip my hat to the McMaster Nerd Club for making that part happen as it. I don't think the facebook events page is still up anymore, but if you have any more questions about the event I'd be glad to answer them. We ended up having a large walk up crowd as well in terms of players, as I guess word spread around campus on the weekend that there was a role playing event going on and gamers and geeks alike were just drawn on in :).
  • igornappovich
    Posts: 76
    Just wanted to throw in a WOOT to you good sir. The world needs more one shot adventure weekends! Kudos to your part in it Dyluth, and for your excellent idea for the OP.

    Are you inviting people to add to your new campaign site their own one shots? Or just have a links section at the bottom where people can link to their own one-shot campaigns they set up in OP? Just wondering how it will work. Good concept though.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    I'm a little behind, but if anyone has anything they'd like to share with other DMs, I set up the "Fantastinomicon": (which DarkMagus mentioned) for that express purpose. There's a little bit up there now (much thanks to Duskreign, and the couple other contributors) and if anyone wants to join and share their ideas for one shots, I'd love to add them.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    ...and here I was gonna say set up the campaign page for if *you* want to use the setting and/or ideas again!

    /me waves fabulously since she is once again fashionably late to the thread.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Oh No... we have Fashionable Threads now? I always thought that I dressed kind of toned down.**Hides from the incoming barrage of rotten fruit**
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