Saying Hello!

edited January 2011 in Player Lounge
Hi! Name's Lianne aka The Party Panda.

Nerd Creds: Got my first taste of tabletop gaming when I was in high school but I've been doing seriously and constantly since about 2003. My games of choice are 7th Sea, Star Wars Saga edition and Deadlands. Been to a few GenCons, can be spotted yearly at DragonCon playing "Are you a Werewolf?" with my husband and the "Dudes On, Shirts Off!!" crowd (you'd know it if you saw it),and been toying with the idea of PAX for awhile.

Signed up for Obsidian about a month ago to see if it would help me get my thoughts organized for my Deadlands campaign and have to say I think this tool rocks! I plan on using the site to track my tabletop group and run a concurrent (and connected) play by post with a group of players who can't make the weekly sessions but really wanted to play.

I also really like looking at other people's campaigns. Don't have much mad skillz in the way of coding so I'm totally jealous of how awesome some of the other campaigns look, I can't even figure out how to do a sidebar on my wiki page.

Anywho, like I said, just saying hi!


  • PartyPanda
    Posts: 33
    Oh! And here is my campaign, in case anyone wanted to take a peak.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425

    There are tons of helpful people in the forums who can answer coding questions, so if you come across a problem don't be shy; ask away! Also you might want to search the forums to see what has already been asked, because a decent percentage of the posts are about such questions. There is a "side bar designed by user Gnunn": and you might want to browse "Chainsaw's unofficial faq's":

    I'll have to give your campaign a look at when I'm free later.

  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285

    Adding my voice to the welcoming committee, which will likely soon show up to welcome you in the near future. I would also like to echo Dark's assertion that the entire community is very helpful, and more than willing to help out. I know the feeling of being "behind the curve" as it were as far as coding knowledge, etc. but there are many coding guru's here to help with that kind of thing.

    Again, warmest welcomes...well, pretty warm anyway, I don't want anyone to get burnt
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey there Party Panda!

    I'll just tag along with DarkMagus and Poutine Paladin in welcoming you to the Portal. Glad to here you are enjoying the site so far, I know it's totally revolutionized the way I've run my own campaigns. If you have any questions about the site, or coding, or whatever, feel free to ask them here. This is a wonderful community full of really helpful people (in fact you've already met DM and P.Paladin), and I'm sure they would be delighted to help out a new member however they can.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey there Panda, don't have anything to say that hasn't really been said already, but I wanted to extend my welcome as well. I can speak truly when I say this is the most helpful online community I've ever met, so you're in good hands! Again I say, welcome!
  • PartyPanda
    Posts: 33
    Thanks for the welcome guys!

    Right now I'm just trying to load up the data from my campaign so my players have an easy time finding what they need/want to know. I'm very lucky that my tabletop group actually has a very limited knowledge of the Deadland's setting beyond what is in the player's guide and they're having a lot of fun learning about the lore so it's exciting to put together a "need to know" wiki.

    Right now I'm trying to just get the info on the site and figure I'll worry about learning what I need to do to code it pretty later, or do you think I'll just make more work for myself that way?
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    1) Love the name. Very festive.

    2) PAX Prime or PAX East?

    3) Agreed! Obsidian Portal is awesome. Also, good luck with the PbP campaign!

    4) By coming to the forums and making your presence known, you just made your job about 500 times easier than it would have ever been if you were doing this on your own.

    If you need help, let me know. I'm around here a lot. :)


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":

    "The System":
  • PartyPanda
    Posts: 33
    1) Heh, it derives from a ridiculous hat + T-Shirt + and a decent amount of alcohol.

    2) PAX East, but I don't think I can make it this year because of my midterm schedule, stupid grad degree! ::sadpandas::

    3) Thanks!

    $) I can already tell! I used the guide that DarkMagus posted and it's really helped a lot! I know I don't *have* to make my campaign pretty...but I like pretty shiny things :-D
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Welcome to the Party, Panda!

    (HA! I am so original it hurts me. So much. Ow.)
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Rase, you are my hero. Forever and always.

    Panda-lady, welcome! OP is an awesome community with awesome people. Duskreign and I will be attending PAX East this year. It would be awesome if you could made it. We're looking to have an OP meet-up. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask.

    Again, welcome to OP!
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Rase, I read "Welcome to the Party, Panda!" in the same voice that Bruce Willis delivered his similar line in _Die Hard_.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I did too. I just didn't want to be the one that brought it up.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Hi PartyPanda! Welcome to OP.
    Bring out the bamboo snacks!

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

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