

  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    *claws her way back up to the computer*
    Soooo sick....

    KA is a week late and I'm going bonkers! It's going to be even later, too... How am I supposed to pimp out the mag if they don't release it!


    By the by, anyone know of a game in Ft. Worth, TX? Two of my gaming buddies just informed me that they will not be attempting to game LD because of their dial-up. Darned technophobes...
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I know there is an RPGA group that meets in Grapevine, but they apparently don't have their own mailing list. From what my friends have said, they're running both Living Greyhawk and Living Force. If you feel up to that, send an email to [email protected] and somebody there should give you the DL. (Hall of Heros [sic] is actually a group that meets in Garland, but most of the Living Grapevine people are transplants from HoH, so they're still on the list.)
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Sorry to hear you are sick!

    Why is KA running late this issue?
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    Femme, thanks for the tip, I'll definitely check into it.

    Photon, sorry it took me so long to reply, I got stranded at my cousin's place for about four days, just catching up on all my forums.

    Basically, we have one layout guy, and he got no help at all from our previous layout editor when he started the job, so he's having to do all this from scratch. Add to this that he JUST started a new job and RL drama pounced him the same day folks got all the articles in to him and we have an unforeseen bottleneck this issue. He's bouncing back nicely, though. I believe that he's already gotten the issue off to the EIC and she's supposed to return it to him this evening, so it will hopefully be out by the end of the week. The happy news is that we learned from the mistake and we're getting poor Corjay an assistant or two so we can have a much faster turnaround for the next issue.

    Thanks for not jumping all over me for the poor me rant, guys. I can usually keep RL issues out of my posts, but my brain was a little shut down that day.
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