Hello all

edited January 2008 in Player Lounge


  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    Hi there, I'm from Poole in Dorset in the UK. I found out about this site through my professional interests at first (I'm a Ruby on Rails web-app developer) and since I'm also a roleplayer, signing up was inevitable :D

    I play mostly D20 3rd Ed since thats what most of my friends prefer to GM, but I occasionally get the chance to play Shadowrun (which I love playing, but have only done a couple of times) and various White Wolf games, mostly VtM, Werewolf and Hunter. I also enjoy Starwars WEG. I don't particularly enjoy GMing myself, though I always make an exception for Feng Shui, which I love both GMing and playing. In fact, I'm currently in the process of adding some info about the new Feng Shui campaign I'm planning to the site :)
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Oh no! Another web developer. Now I can no longer lie constantly about why things are going wrong and take so long to get working :)

    Welcome, and we all look forward to seeing your stuff. If you're not a GM, you should bully your GM into signing up.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    darkliquid - Welcome to the site; enjoy or else.

    Micah - Ya know.... I'm a web developer. I've been seeing through your "lies" for a while now :D
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi there!

    I have no idea how my GM can be so technophobic and yet play MMOs as much as he does, but in any case I have gotten used to the notion that I will be the one contributing much of his data to this site. If you find yourself in a promising campaign in the future, you may want to offer to create a campaign file here on your GM's behalf and be the one who keeps it up to date. Can't use any of the super-secret GM-only knowledge fields, at least not as they were intended to be used (and oh did I give myself horrible visuals just now), but it may still be useful to your party.
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    @IceBob: thanks

    @Micah: hehe. I'm putting the planning and write ups for the Feng Shui game I'm going to be GMing up. I'll be bullying my GM for the Eberron and Vampire the Masquerade games I'm playing to sign up though :D

    @RobJustice: thanks, will do :)

    @FemmeLegion: Hi. If the bullying doesn't work, I might take on the mantle of 'game recorder' for any new games I join.
  • PolletteIrieska
    Posts: 26
    Hey, darkliquid! Welcome to the crowd!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    DarkLiquid, I have pretty much done that (and will DEFINITELY do that once his new campaign starts). The funny part is, I just got a whole new chunk of information to archive for him because he's starting up a new campaign and he gave us all this over email. So he'll do email but not OP. I just laugh, and clean up his writing, and copy it on over so everyone can see it.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Welcome to the site! It looks like you have a pretty broad gaming experience, so hopefully you'll be able to find more than a few other campaigns you enjoy here, as well. There really are a lot of good ones, so if you have the time you really should check them out!
  • Jason
    Posts: 21
    Setting up a site like this for RPG's of all things wasn't your best move if that was your strategy, Micah! :)

    Yet Another Web Developer :)
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Hi Darkliquid. I do a lot of white wolf gaming too, and we're currently switching my regular game from Ravenloft to nWoD... quite a headache really! Enjoy the site, and I look forward to seeing cool White Wolf games from you! I don't know much about Feng Shui or Star Wars WEG but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it. :)

    @FemmeLegion, that's exactly my situation... My DM made a game here and kinda never came back. He loves MMOs but he took the anachronism flaw and is an entropy mage, so computers explode half the time he touches them. But i thought this place looked cool so picked up where he left off. I can pretty much do everything I need to, but if I could do it over I'd just be the "DM" even though I'm just a player... Ah well. :)
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