edited December 2010 in General Discussion
You guys are the *awesome-sauce*. Aside from the community being genuinely friendly and extremely helpful, it's like every time I hop on to the forums someone has created some form of HTML-manipulation to add to the campaign pages and make them that much cooler. I often find myself clutching my face with gleegasm and shouting "_THAT IS GENIUS_" in the middle of the night and waking everyone in the house up. Thank you OP community. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

Just sayin'. That is all. Discuss.

On a side note, I think that the worst feeling in the world, aside from critically failing a roll at a vital moment, is having to poop and being extremely hungry... _At the same time_. If you eat first, you may force everything out and soil yourself. If you poop first, do you really have much of an appetite afterward? It's a lose/lose situation, really... But... I digress. =(


  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Agreed. This place is awesome. As far as your poop vs food dilemma, if you're so close to soiling yourself that it's going to happen even if you're eating at the time, then it should be a no-brainer...you wait for dinner and take care of business. If you're so hungry that you're going back and forth on your decision as to what the more pressing issue is, then you'll still be hungry after your visit to the throne. Remember to wash your hands.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890 edited December 2010
    Shin is amazing - simultaneously able to conjure up images of awesomeness (Gleegasm ftw), and the following it up with a sock to the face that leaves you reeling, completely unexpected. It's like a one-two sucker punch of expert timing. Reading the first paragraph, I didn't expect the second at all :P

    I honestly thing it's a self-feeding dilemma: the community is awesome because the community is awesome. People like Dusk, Paladin and yourself encourage me to try and do stupid/innovative things with HTML - the awesome part of community. If I enrich the community by trying to help out, so much the better :)

    ...as for the second paragraph, I more or less agree with Paladin, insofar as I feel like commenting on it at all. (But yeah, more or less the sentiment I express is more...Dusklike in nature. -ing wow.)
    Post edited by RaseCidraen on
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Thank you, Rase. You're kind words bring joy to my day. Another gleegasm FTW! =D

    I definitely agree with you about the community. Well said, good sir. The community is awesome because the community is awesome.

    As far as the second paragraph... Well... I tend to have that effect on people. =)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Since we've already veered into disturbing territory in this thread, allow me to make it worse.

    A sign posted in a bathroom that I never saw, and only know about because someone else blogged about it, but danged if it hasn't made me be more meticulous:

  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    That is EPIC. Now I'm going to write that on my bathroom wall... _In blood_.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085

    wait a second...

    ...whose blood?
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    The blood of the innocents.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    ...so, not mine. Gotcha. On with you, then.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    So, you're saying that you're guilty then?
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    As charged, baby! YEAH! (channeling Austin Powers, there).
  • Yoshara
    Posts: 48
    I feel like I need to run away from here...yet I can't move.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Then you are hereby found *guilty*, Michael. Your own blood shall be used for other, much more... _Sinister things_...

    The massive quantity of awesome is what compels you to stay, Yosh.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I think Shin just became Judge Judy and Executioner.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    *Lowers head, looking over aviator sunglasses at Rase* S*** just got real.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085

    Hot Fuzz FTW
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Lol, thanks for reminding me why this place is awesome :).
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Were you for some reason recently thinking that it might not be, Gaaran?
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Haha, of course not, it's just good to have your faith reaffirmed from time to time :P
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    You're welcome, Gaaran.

    Hot Fuzz is THE WIN.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    It is... in this community, reaffirmation of faith is called Baptism by Win. Or pie, depending on how good we're being at threadjacking.

    ...Speaking of Hot Fuzz, I want to play in a Hot Fuzz style campaign sometime!
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    If someone runs a Hot Fuzz style campaign I am _so_ freakin' down.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I wish I had time! I'm trying to start off my nWOD campaign (Starring many prominent OP Community members of awesomeness), but otherwise I'd be down with it.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Maybe one day in the future.

    I'm anxious to see your nWOD campaign, man. I've always wanted to play in a campaign setting like that or Call of Cthulu but I've never had the chance. I'm excited to see how yours goes and learn from it so at some point I can actually be a player in one.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Yay! I'm a member of awesomeness! Shin, this is my first foray into a setting/system like this as well, but I look forward to not only participating in the game itself, but also in helping putting together the wiki for it with the other members of awesomeness involved. It is a great honor to participate in a campaign with such highly esteemed members of the Portal that we have collected for our venture, and mayhaps someday I will have the pleasure of being involved with something with you, as well (time permitting, of course).
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    I haven't chimed in yet (I've been doing a lot of house demo/remodeling, and aren't able to log in every day), but I have to agree. Of all the forums I've been part of, this is the least pretentious, openly nice and helpful group of people I've ever run into on the interwebs.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Poutine, it would be great to be in a game with other OP members such as yourself. I hope that at some point in the not-too-distant future we can all get another collective game going on.

    Frank, I agree with you 100%.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Pal, I agree. It's going to be an interesting experience playing with a bunch of OP folks. If anyone is interested, in March, a few of us are meeting up at PAX East. It might be a neat idea to get together one night and have a fun little one-session game with Obsidian Portal folks. Or even just to hang out and eat food (as I am likely to be doing in either case).

    Frank, that's because our awesome mods will brook no insolence. The last time I got out of hand, Arsheesh told me to go out and fetch him a whuppin switch. The scars, Frank. The scars!

    Vin, I recently had a discussion with Rase that made the idea of me running a PbP campaign for OP folks set in Wyrmshadow a definite possibility. I was mulling it over earlier this year, but I had just about given up on the idea. Now, though, the wheels are turning once more. Plus, anyone who plays in my regular in-person campaigns could just as well play in the PbP one, so you, or anyone else in the group, could play in the online game as well... I'll keep you posted.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Sounds good to me, dudeness.
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