Restrict Pages to Players

edited January 2008 in Feature Requests


  • Joshuha
    Posts: 3
    The ability to restrict access of a Player wiki page to just the players in the campaign would be very helpful.

    This sort of ties in with worries about copyright but I want to share an image from a PDF of book that I legally own. It has statements it is ok to use pictures for personal use which I imagine sharing that information/picture with my players would be fine (just like in face-to-face) but allowing anyone to come in and grab the image would probably not fly to well with the publisher.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Isn't that the point of the "Publish" check box?
  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    No the, even with the publish option unchecked I can read through everything in your player wiki, adventure log. Actually this does bring up a good point, not just about copyrighted images but can I publish the stat block of an NPC that I have created using stats from a non OGL book? Lets say I create a Warlock (D&D, Complete Arcane) character with a fiendish symbiont (D&D, Fiend Folio) that has a pair of Acrobat boots (D&D, Magic Item Compendium). If I publish his stat blocks, as well as a description of his abilities, am I violating copyright? If I put up descriptors of his incantations, which are in no way covered under OGL or the D20 SRDs, can WoTC come after me? Or this site?
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. Actually this does bring up a good point, not just about copyrighted images but can I publish the stat block of an NPC that I have created using stats from a non OGL book? Lets say I create a Warlock (D&D, Complete Arcane) character with a fiendish symbiont (D&D, Fiend Folio) that has a pair of Acrobat boots (D&D, Magic Item Compendium). If I publish his stat blocks, as well as a description of his abilities, am I violating copyright? If I put up descriptors of his incantations, which are in no way covered under OGL or the D20 SRDs, can WoTC come after me? Or this site?

    This has been brought up a few times, and as far as I understand, you are fine posting things like this. It falls under fair use, so long as you are not in any way negating another's need to purchase a supplement. Having a warlock's stat block doesn't mean that you can look at it and know how to build or play a warlock without first having access to Complete Arcane, and as such it is just fine. Now, if you were to explain in any great depth how invocations and eldritch blast worked (rather than just listing them as they were available in the stat block), then it would be a problem. Otherwise, you are fine.

    So, you could say- "XX has 4d6 for his eldritch blast, and has invocations X, Y, and Z. He uses X to shoot fire, Y to turn into bats, and Z to make himself pretty. He always uses his Acrobat boots for better mobility. For a greater description of these things, see pages A, B, and C of Complete Arcane, or D, E, and F of Magic Item Compendium..."

    Whereas, you couldn't do something like this-

    "Eldritch Blast (Sp)- All the appropriate rules text for eldritch blast"

    As far as copyrighted images go, I believe the general policy is- you can use them, but if anyone asks you to take them down, the site is obligated to do it. Otherwise, if you are uncomfortable, simply credit the artist. Most artists are fine with people using their work so long as credit is given where credit is due. You aren't posting the image for profit or personal gain, so it's not a big concern to them.
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