New World of Darkness game, run by the one and only Rase Cidraen

edited December 2010 in Player Lounge
Hello all, Rase and I have decided to put together a new New World of Darkness game on OP. We'll be playing in the evening on weeknights, most like for only a couple hours at a time, whenever we can schedule a session. We think that these shorter, more frequent session will work better with hectic schedules. So! About the game, Rase has agreed to run it using the New World of Darkness rules. We will be playing "prelude" characters, meaning we'll be regular people in the Dark. Where we go from there, whether we're embraced, awakened, or... bitten by a werewolf, or perhaps something else entirely, is up to us. I think the game will be starting in Chicago, but that is still up in the air.

Where do you all come in? Well, we already have a couple players, and we're looking for 2-3 more! Busy schedule? don't worry, we all have them, so we're only looking for a few hours a week, times to be determined to work out the best for all of us. If you're interested, please reply here or send myself or Rase a PM, and we'll let you know if we have room for you. If you're interested but don't have the time just yet, well, that's fine too, let us know, and maybe you can join up down the road. If you have an idea for a character you'd be interested in playing, feel free to share (I'm going to be playing a rich research scientist), but that's not required at this point. I look forward to hearing from, and gaming with, some of you!


  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285

    I'd like to participate, but I'm wary about my unfamiliarity with the system (and, in fact how OP games actually work) so maybe you want someone with more experience/web knowledge for your endeavor? I'd definitely like to play with some of the Portal community members at some point, though...this place is awesome, and it seems as though my tabletop group has all but petered out again (though I am sure it will kick back up at some point).
  • Takissis
    Posts: 37
    I'm definitely interested. I haven't tried the nWoD stuff yet and this sounds like a good way to go. Drop me a line with information if this is acceptable.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Glad to see some interest! No worries about being new to the system. I've never played the nWoD system, and Rase has never played World of Darkness, so it'll be a learning experience for all of us. But that's okay because WoD is all about the story and less about the rules. I don't really know how "OP" games work, but this game will be played via text probably, using gchat or skype or something that allows conference chatting, it's easiest for everyone. I don't really know the details yet, once I confer with Rase, I'll have more info, and hopefully a wiki page to link you :).
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Details! We don't need no stinking details! (That's not true...) I've long been wanting to throw a group together of people from the Portal, and this seems like a prime opportunity!

    Now I just have to wait for Gaaran to wake up...
  • erwin
    Posts: 58
    Looking forward to seeing how this goes.. of luck guys!
  • Idless
    Posts: 58
    I am rather interested... I never tried a play by post/forum/chat game before, but you know... there is a first time for everything, and I'd really like to try it, to find out what it is like!

    I never played WoD or nWod as such... but I play a Live Action RP Werewolf campaign, once a month, for 6 years now. I know the world as such, but we made many alterations. I know to a degree what the system is like, and I have a few old werewolf books. We don't use the system, but I know some of it(we use the gifts, ranks, titles, organisation and lots of the background material - but we only only do the moots, and everything in between is done off game or as a kind of play by post - combat is handled as a kind of wrestling(eahc wolf has aogg game power ranking that decides more or less the outcome), that goes on till someone bars their throat.)

    As for time difference, I am CET +1 - let me know yours, and we will find out if we can play!

  • Yoshara
    Posts: 48
    Rase, if you will allow me to stick around with you I would be happy to join you guys.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Sounds awesome. I'd like to see how this all works out and goes down.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey guys thanks for all the interest, we're full up for starting the game, and invites have been sent to the lucky winners. Sorry for anyone we didn't have room for, but we don't want to get too overwhelmed as this is the first attempt at some nWoD for some of us. If we get going and have room for more we shall send out new invites. Thanks again guys, once we get going, we'll post links to the game.
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