Campaign Advice

edited November 2010 in Player Lounge
Just wondering if some veteran GMs or PCs would mind taking a look at my campaign so far. Any advice, or criticism is welcome. Thanks.


  • Neithan
    Posts: 16
    Here is the link to my campaign.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey there Neithan,

    I took a peak at your site and it looks as if you've just begun construction on it, so there's not allot there to comment on yet. However if you are looking for advice you've come to the right place. Allot of really helpful people frequent these forums. My question for you would be "what sort of advice are you looking for?" Since this is your first time DM'ing, are you seeking advice on how to run a campaign, build a world and organize a storyline? Or are you seeking information regarding how best to organize and/or beautify your site? I've got ideas on both counts but I want to know what you're after before I respond.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Hail Neithan,

    So far, so good. It looks like you are putting a lot of your wiki stuff in the Adventure Log. It's up to you, of course, but I would migrate that data onto your wiki page. If you want, you can sail over to Wyrmshadow to see what kinds of stuff I have on my wiki.

    As for the campaign itself, I think its a fine first effort indeed. My advice is to take it slow and focus far more on making the game fun and interesting for you and your players, rather than focus too much on your wiki. Use your adventure logs to note how every session of your game went, and as you do, make entries in your wiki to reflect any new information that came up in that session. For example, if one of your NPC's mentions the City State of Kasthar, add a little fluff text about Kasthar on your wiki. Before you know it, you'll have a ton of data, and you'll be ready to work on prettifying your wiki.

    I'm with Arsheesh. Any other info or ideas you need, I'm game to oblige!


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":

    "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic":
  • Neithan
    Posts: 16
    Thanks for your responses everyone.
    My PCs are starting to make their characters now. How do they send them to me? In what file? Through email, PM here, or do I have to create them all for them? I read a little bit about it on this site, but alas, I'm confused.

  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Hey Neithan,

    Your PCs can actually make the wiki on the website, all by their onesies. That's the beauty of the collaborative nature of the wiki!
  • Falchen
    Posts: 20

    What can really help is if you make a template or format that you want them to use, then they can copy it and add in the information and post it as their character.
  • Neithan
    Posts: 16
    Alright. Thanks for the help.
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