new to op

edited January 2008 in Player Lounge


  • eleusis
    Posts: 8
    I stumbled onto this site having no idea that such a valuable gaming resource existed.

    I play mostly 3.5 dnd and I prefer league play and open campaigns. I am currently participating in one dnd store league, one home brew campaign, storyteller in a home game of Requiem, trying to get another private league off the ground and making guest appearances in two home campaigns which have been retired at level 17 and 16.

    Last year I DM'd an Epic Core Campaign at my local "gaming store": and it was suggested that we use pbwiki to keep track of sessions and character progress which was a huge success. I can see Obsidian Portal being even better than pbwiki.

    I'm also an ex-Living-Greyhawk'er who still tries to get RPGA points by reporting home games. I'm skeptical about 4th but I will definitely buy all the core books and give it a fair try.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi Eleusis! Which region of LG are your characters from? I'm from the BK. How is it that Texas, and Dallas in particular, **ALWAYS** ends up getting equated with savage evil? It's true in Amtgard (Emerald Hills), SCA (the Steppes/Ansteorra), and Living Greyhawk (the Bandit Kingdoms)! And they tried to tell me this was God's country! =P
  • eleusis
    Posts: 8
    Gran March, from NC. Gran March has a little flavor of Nazi Germany mixed with American Imperialism. If you don't mind military control then it's actually not that bad of a region. Sheldomar Valley is great for non-military types, lush and full of magic.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Welcome to the site.

    bq. Gran March, from NC. Gran March has a little flavor of Nazi Germany mixed with American Imperialism. If you don’t mind military control then it’s actually not that bad of a region.

    You probably shouldn't write travel brochures.
  • eleusis
    Posts: 8
    bq. You probably shouldn’t write travel brochures.

    You are are so right. Here is what WotC and RPGA has to say about the "Gran March":

    FemmeLegion, Here is a quote form the "Bandit Kingdoms": description,

    bq. The Bandit Kingdoms is a land of rogues and mercenaries bent on carving survival from the inhospitable soil that is their birthright. Doubly cursed, being held under the heel of the despicable demon god Iuz and his minions, these imperfect people focus on the reality of survival, rather than grandiose visions of good versus evil.

    Now, which is more scary... A war driven nation of Lawful Good Heironeans or a lawless nation "under the heel of a despicable demon god..."?
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