Create a page from a wiki entry

edited January 2008 in Feature Requests


  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    Currently I can create a new wiki page in either the adventure log or the player/DM wiki by just putting up square brackets around a word or words I want to create a new page for. I would love it to be possible to do the same with an item or character. Lets say I am writing a journal entry and I introduced a new NPC. Currently I have to stop what I am doing, in a new tab/window create a new character, save it, then copy the slug tag, return to the adventure log, and paste the slug into place.

    What I would like to do is just type out the slug [[:shortname|Longname]] or just [[:shortname]]. Then continue typing the entry. Once I am done I save the document and instead of replacing the new slugs with "Content Not Found: shortname" but a red link like a new wiki page does. When the red link is checked perhaps a small popup message window with two/three buttons asking whether the new slug points to a character or item. Then the create item/character (depending on response) page loads with the Name and Url-friendly name fields autofilled with Longname (if present) and shortname respectively.

    It would definitely speed up my work flow.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Hmm, that's a really good idea. I'll have to think about it. We're trying to focus more on usability issues (of which there are many...), and feedback like this really helps out.
  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    Yay, I have good ideas and am not just nitpicking the developers to death! :)

    I kid. I really do like this site and am glad that my thought have had such a great reception on your end Micah.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hmm. I suppose the intermediate screen to determine whether the new slug refers to an item or a character would be the easiest way to do it. I was going to say it'd be cool if we could write up the tag as being [[item:shortname|Long and Complicated Name]], but that would probably make things MORE complicated because then you'd have to go and retrofit all the characters and items with whatever data would make such a tag possible.

    I guess on the bright side it would allow someone to have an item named "Lurker" or a character named "Bishop Cottage", but I'm not sure that's actually a bright side. ;)
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