Glad to be here!

edited December 2007 in Player Lounge


  • Taurren
    Posts: 7
    Hay gang!

    since I'll soon be spending a lot more time on time on this site, I thought I would drop in and introduce myself. I'm known as Taurren on most gaming forums, and I've been gaming since the late 70's. The name I use comes from one of my very first characters and should not be confused with the race of bovines that roam the lands of Azeroth.

    I suffer from an advanced case of "Gaming ADD" and usually find myself running a couple of games and planning for a couple more. I'm hoping that the functionality of this site will help me to get a bit better organized, especially as I have limited gaming time due to work. I really do hate it when work interferes with my gaming time. Don't you?

    The first game I'm creating here is for my homebrew campaign that will, be starting in a few weeks. We'll be using Arcana Evolved from Malhavoc Press as our system of choice with a few additional elements from other 3.5 supplements thrown in for flavoring. The 2nd game I'm working on is a nWoD game set in the city of Montreal. This will be a fully fleshed cross-over setting that includes storylines for Vampire, Werewolf, Mage and Changeling.

    Well I guess that's it for now. Merry Christmas, and Game On!
  • Jennifer
    Posts: 78
    Hi Taurren! Welcome to the site! I always thought Gaming ADD meant that you started a game but consistently let it drop after 2 sessions. I have that problem, usually somewhere between sessions 2 and 10 (depending on how consistently boneheaded my players are being), I will suffer a major motivation problem and require a pep talk to get me to keep running the game.

    I think this is a general motivation problem with me, though . . . I can only produce creatively for so long before I start needing some input again to keep the motor running. I'm not a self-starter, I need fuel. I'm not complaining about my players, everyone has their dumb moments, but I think I'd like to shake up my group and try gaming with different people sometimes!
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. I really do hate it when work interferes with my gaming time. Don’t you?


    bq. The name I use comes from one of my very first characters and should not be confused with the race of bovines that roam the lands of Azeroth.

    Should I feel dirty that I get that?

    bq. I suffer from an advanced case of “Gaming ADD” and usually find myself running a couple of games and planning for a couple more.

    I tend to have that problem, but I'm much better about it now than I was in the past. Now, I tend to just write down future campaign ideas to remember later, and try to focus on one or two at a time.

    Anyway, welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  • geekevolved
    Posts: 75

    The name I use comes from one of my very first characters and should not be confused with the race of bovines that roam the lands of Azeroth.

    Should I feel dirty that I get that?

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Taurren, I really wish Florimel were less afraid of computers. It sounds like the two of you have a lot in common. Oh well. Hopefully now that my life has settled back into its normal routine, I can start coaxing stories out of his head and archiving them here, and you can get even more ideas for even more games! Muahaha! (And feel free to drop me a line when your stuff is up, so I can inflict it on him. =)
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