Feature Request: Wiki Wish List

edited June 2010 in Feature Requests
Working on my wiki today reminded me of a few feature requests I've been meaning to post:

*1. A Navigation Panel:* God, it would be nice if there was a way to set one up one time and it be easy to put it in other pages. Most wikis have this functionality, and for good reason. This is by far the biggest one.

*2. View Source:* It'd be nice if, when going to another person's site, I could view their wiki's code. This button would be there in place of the "Edit" button if it wasn't my campaign. This would make it easier to learn how to format your page nicely.

*3. A Way To Put Code on the Wiki:* The forums have the "bc." textile command. Why can't that be acceptable to the wiki too? Even better, let us use the tag so we can do it for more than one line at a time.

*4. Turn Off Titles:* Most nicely formatted wikis format their own titles for pages, but that leaves the default page title hanging out in the top-left corner. I know this is doable, because you've done it for the Home page when viewed through the Home tab. I don't even need a way to selectively turn it off. One big switch for my whole wiki would be fine.

*5. HTML tables* I've gotten most of what I need to work through textile, but the fact that I have to format _each cell_ can be a huge pain in the ass when if I just used HTML I could have set the format once for the whole table.

*6. The Ability To Replace Images:* If I make a new version of an old image, I can delete the old one and upload the new one... but that breaks my old code. I'd rather just replace the old image altogether.


  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65
    Any others I'm missing?
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    For number 2, you can view the code of the whole page by using the view source of your browser, and then find the code that they've added, but I agree that it would be nice if you could view just their custom code.

    I agree with your other points, although for replacing images, it would be nice to just have a library management tool (other than just uploading and deleting, as per the add images button), which could facilitate this function, among many others.
  • dougirwin13
    Posts: 18
    A way to see the full change history would be boss!
  • lordkilgar
    Posts: 1
    I would really love to see a template integration. I am not actually sure what wiki structure obsidian portal uses, but I know that on my own personal wiki (which runs on Mediawiki) I have found templates UNBELIEVABLY helpful. I believe they could be used for the navigation panel you are talking about ( you could just make up a template that linked to set pages, then include that template with no variables on each page you create with a line of code). It could also (and this is my big reason for wanting it) be used to create those lovely info boxes that exist on "the other wiki". I would love for each empire/country/nation/etc. in my game to be able to have a box that outlines, the capital, population, founding year, has a space for a map image, crest image, etc. that I can just fill in the variables on and it uses consistent design code.

    I think, if it doesn't require a complete overhaul, that templates would add a WHOLE lot to the wiki. I know the biggest point behind the wiki is to make it accessible and useful to the greatest number of people, but by adding templates you let the more skilled web designers put these premade templates out there that other less skilled GMs can then use to build their own wikis. I certainly know I would share my templates if I could make them, though I am far from an expert.

    if you want to see the Mediawiki wiki page for them it is here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates

    For those not in the know, Mediawiki is what Wikipedia runs on. Very powerful, little tricky to get used to though.

    as for #2 it would be nice (especially with things like more complex coding) to see just the wiki source, though I think hunting through the full page view source is acceptable for now.

    #3, I have been using the tag in the wiki... I am not sure if this is a new add or not, but it has def been working for me (an example... if you can see it http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/chaos-reign/wikis/css-examples )

    #4 I definitely agree, it would also be nice if there were a way to give the wiki a bit more screen real-estate, but I understand that it is kind of built into the page.

    #5 ... I also believe HTML tables work in the Wiki, but I will admit I haven't experimented with it much more than putting one in.

    I really think the addition of Templates could make a huge difference in the visual appeal of the wikis, as well as possibly giving it a bit more real estate. Thanks for listening to our ideas guys! we really appreciate the work you do!
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