Uhm..Hi. (glancing about to verify I'm in the right spot)

edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • HerrOnionwurst
    Posts: 1
    I'm new to Obsidian Portal, and not too good with computers- more familiar with books. This site is a little less mazelike to me than most others,to my great relief. I have been playing D&D 3.5 for a couple of years but, regretfully I can find neither time nor people up here in Anchorage. Normally regarding the internet and computers in a comparable way as I would dental appointments, knowing the necessity but persuing all practical ends to forestall the eventuality, it was with some measure of trepadition that I eventualy set to after discovering that most members of my original group play on this site. I think I'm beginning to understand it and I make grateful exception for this site. I am glad for this opportunity to continue playing with my friends.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hello, HerrOnionwurst! One of my friends also had a bit of trepidation getting started on the Portal, but eventually I started showing him how to do some of the stuff and now he is hooked. I hope you end up having a similar experience here.
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