Publishable Adventure Log

edited May 2009 in Feature Requests


  • gull2112
    Posts: 9
    Publishable isn't really the right term, and perhaps this already exists, but I would like to be able to print out my adventure log in a nice clean format that looks nice and can appear as an old tome. I could get paper for my printer that would be attractive and then print it out. This would be great for introducing new players to the OP and my campaign.
    It would be nice if each posting would start on a new page. A selection of handwritten fonts or calligraphy styles would be attractive as well as even some drawings and map inserts.
    I realize I could do all this on my own, but it would be nice if I could just pick a few menu selections and then print out an attractive adventure log. It would also be great advertising for OP, especially if OP logs all had a certain 'look.'.
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