How to make mass name/word substitutions?


This is a real long shot but in our campaign, we have decided to rename, and standardise the names/spellings of a few locations and, indeed, the world itself.

The problem is that changing every single instance of the original words would mean searching for the old words and then editing the pages that are found to replace the old names wih the new names.  This would mean editing pages several hundred times. 

For the most part, the names are a direct substitute that don't cause grammar or formatting problems or similar.  So, what would be ideal if there was some automated way that it could happen - like if I could run a script or something.  I'm going to guess that this simply isn't a thing that can be done but if anyone has any ideas about how to achieve it, I'd gladly hear them.



  • vadercomplex
    Posts: 93

    Hey @enjay!

    This is an interesting one, I'll do some reviewing with the team and get back with you shortly here. :~)

    Obsidian Portal Support Druid | [email protected]

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Can always copy your text to MS Word, do the mass name change/replace there, then paste over the current text


  • vadercomplex
    Posts: 93 edited February 9

    We will look into this and see how we might be able to help, that'll depend on the details of what you'd like to change! 

    Can we please have a list of words you'd like to change and what you'd like them changed to? Also, please include where the words are located. Such as, Wiki Pages, Characters, Items, Adventure Logs, Campaign Forums, Maps, Calendar, Media Library.

    Then we can get back to you on what can be done. :~) 

    Post edited by vadercomplex on

    Obsidian Portal Support Druid | [email protected]

  • Enjay
    Posts: 14 edited February 11

    Well, guess what I went ahead and did over the last few days without checking this thread? frown

    A few thousand edits later and I'm done (in so many ways). wink

    Actually, it wasn't all pain.  The campaign has been running for many years and I haven'tbeen around for all  of it.  It gave me a chance to read contributions from several players, add in a few more wiki cross-links and so on.  So, the site is now better organised and, I hope, more useful.

    So, no help needed at this time, but the offer is appreciated.

    @Keryth987, I did actually do as you suggested for a few pages (or rather I used a text editor rather than Word) but doing that still involved opening each page, copying the text, making the substitution and then pasting it back in. so, just using ctrl-f in the OP page editor was almost as fast and allowed me to use interactive features to insert links and so on. It was the sheer number of pages, and the fact that these were spread across wiki, adventure log, item and character articles that was really daunting rather than the edits within a page. When you've renamed all the major factions in your campaign, most of the cities and quite a few other things too, it means a lot of editing.
    Post edited by Enjay on
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