Hello From Cape Breton

edited January 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Aracale
    Posts: 2
    Hi, My name is Aracale, and I just found this place and I think I finally found what I was looking for to keep everything for my campaign in one place. This is my first time really GMing and I decided to try a Rifts game to get things started.

    I have so many ideas scattered on so many pieces of paper it's not fit. I'm hoping that over the next few days I can get things settled here so I have one place to look for everything. Anyway, I hope to meet some new people and really get some use out of this site.

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Are you going to be face-to-face only, chat-based, hybrid? My housemate adores Rifts, but he's the only one who really knows the rules and the setting, so he's always GMed in the past and he really wants to play for once.
  • Aracale
    Posts: 2
    Currently we're face to face, but that's due to our location and timing issues. We're a relatively small group ATM, mainly because I'm the only one with the books and my other players are either completely new to the Rifts, or they haven't played in years. I'll be talking to my players this week and see what they think and I'll let you know.
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