Was it right to have my Magic User thats A Future King do what I had him do?

edited December 2022 in General Discussion

My 1st Dnd campaign was A 1st edition Campaign and happened back in 1,996 and in it my Magic User was A Future King, I rolled A double 00 or 100 for Social Class, which means that I was closely related to A King or Queen, A roll of 14 followed by A roll of 55 made me the oldest of the kings 7 children and A roll of A 78 means that at the time of my characters birth his parents were legally married

I decided to use the fact that my character was both royalty and A Future King to ensure that by the time the groups 2 Fighters reached 9th level they would both have both A Title and A Domain waiting for them, the title they would be given would A Baron whose political power, influence and respect are all 2.4% higher then normal and the domain they would be given would be A Barony that's 6.4% bigger then normal

Even though this happened more then 26 years ago I want to know if you think I was right to have my character use the fact that he was both royalty and A Future King to ensure that by the time the groups 2 Fighters reached 9th level they would both have both A Title and A Domain waiting for them, the title they would be given would A Baron whose political power, influence and respect are all 2.4% higher then normal and the domain they would be given would be A Barony that's 6.4% bigger then normal

Post edited by marshalljames1 on
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