A Hunger Games/DAD Cross-Over Idea in which Snows not evil or even all bad

edited May 2022 in General Discussion

I've had A Hunger Games/DAD Cross-Over Idea in which Snows not evil or even all bad, he's simply in a situation were as regrettable as it is the best course of action is that he must do very evil things for very good reasons. What do you think?

Basically The Capitol gets changed to The Central Lands, The 13 districts, by which I mean that unlike in the books 1 of the 13 Districts wasn't wiped out, become The 13 Outer Lands and every 10th year 4 male and 4 female 19 year old's from each Outer Land gets put into for The Death Fights/Hunger Games, but as A PR Stunt The People of The Central Lands get to choose 2 Males and 2 Females that won't be among the 99 that die

Luckily its not as bad as it is in The Hunger Games, but that's actually very easy. For example future contestants don't get chosen 2 to 3 weeks before and only get 2 to 3 weeks to train, rather they get chosen on the day of The Last Death Fight/Hunger Game, meaning they've got 10 years to train, what's more The Central Lands ask for and usually do get volunteers and happens for 3 reasons

Reason 1 is because A Volunteers Families get a massive sum of Gold if their 9 year old volunteers but they get nothing if their 9 year old gets forced to take part

Reason 2 is that volunteers will spend 10 years being treated like as if they were moderately senior nobles that were fairly respected and fairly wealthy but those that are forced only get treated as if they were Minor Nobility that were both very respected and very wealthy

Reason 3 is that the winners family moves to The Central Lands, not just(?) The Winners Village, and unlike in The Hungers Games when A Winner that volunteered dies his or her family doesn't get sent back to The Outer Lands/The Districts, but if the winner was forced then his or her home isn't as big, isn't as nice and isn't as well furnished as the home that A Winner that Volunteered would get and when he or she dies his or her family does get sent back to The Outer Lands/The District

Now here's how Snow and his ancestors, because he's not the ruling president, rather he's the countries reigning king, aren't evil or even all bad, their simply doing very evil things for very good. Basically the secret is that 400 years ago the most powerful Deamon that ever existed was sealed away beneath the royal palace, if the seal breaks the things gets out and 100's of millions die

So The King/Snows Ancestor, that at the time was the ruler made a decision, he's the 1 that started The Death Fights and his decision was that as regrettable as it is its better to arrange so that every 10th year 99 people die and their life force is used to maintain the seal, after all what do 99 deaths every 10th year matter when those deaths will prevent the deaths of 100's of millions

Basically if anyone, meaning not just me, did this then they should make it so that Snows Family have always been the ultimate believers in things like the ends justify the means, the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few and for the greater good

I've just had a thought. What if Snows Family never have and never will know that The Death Fights could have been avoided?

The reason for this is that 400 years ago people were so loyal to The Royal Family/Snows Family that if The Royal Family/Snows Family had explained why they needed to cause the deaths of 99 19 year old's every 10th year then their would have been 1,000's of willing volunteers

After all the people of the country were once so loyal to The Royal Family/Snows Family that if they'd been told the real reason for the deaths of 99 19 year old's every 10th year then their would have been 1,000's of willing to volunteer

I can imagine that if the people had been told the truth then their response would be something the lines of after all 99 19 year olds dying every 10th year in a way that will stop the deaths of 100's of millions in a great and truly noble sacrifice

Post edited by marshalljames1 on
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