Will my new groups plan to add Exocet, Blue and Marduk to Drinax work?

edited January 2022 in Campaign Portal Building

2 days ago me and the new group I'm a player in changed changed our minds and decided to do Pirates of Drinax, yesterday we did First Prize and we've come up with a plan  to add Exocet, Blue and Marduk to Drinax. But we want a opinion. Do you think our plan to add Exocet, Blue and Marduk to Drinax work?

The plan is that we do deals with The Captaun of The Cinendai, Margaret Blaine and Aiir Linuuri and the deal is that in return for rigging elections to ensure that The Captaun of The Cinendai gets elected president for life of Blue, Margaret Blaine gets elected president for life of Marduk and Aiir Linuuri gets elected president for life of Exocet and once they are elected those planets with join Drinax

Post edited by marshalljames1 on
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