Hello from Sweden

edited December 2008 in Player Lounge


  • Azuki
    Posts: 3
    Hey! I'm Azuki a role-player from Sweden. I've been playing RPG:s since I was 7-8 years old, that makes my role-playing career about 15 years old. I have mostly been a player in most campaigns but I've had some success as gamemaster as well (and some not quite so successful attempts).

    I've mostly played Swedish role-playing games such as:
    Drakar och Demoner (lots of versions)
    Mutant:Undergångens Arvtagare
    Stjärnornas Krig (Star Wars WEG translation)
    Neotech 2

    But I have also played a lot of English role-playing games such as:
    Vampire: The Masquerade
    D&D (3,5 and 4E)

    I am currently trying to get my first Exalted 2:nd Edition game going and this is why I started my Obsidian Portal account going, so I can get some structure to my campaign planning. If you want to have a look at what I've done so far check out "Arc": http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/arc
  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    Welcome to OP!
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    Azuki, welcome to Obsidian Portal. We hope you like it. BTW - We do support writing in non-english languages if you prefer. Here's one example: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/tirsdag. Hope you enjoy the site.
  • Azuki
    Posts: 3
    Yeah I noticed, but I prefer writing in english when it's an english roleplaying game... saves me alot of time trying to translate :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Aw, man, another one who started as a little kid. I am so jealous of you guys. Or maybe I'm not - if I'd had D&D as a kid, I probably wouldn't have read as many other books. =)

    Congratulations on having a history set up for your world. I've got two major traumatic events and that's it right now. I really need to figure out the rest.
  • lerusius
    Posts: 4
    Welcome Azuki :P I joined about 4 days after you what a coincident both from Sweden joining about the same time :O. Anyway I'm writing in Swedish so if you are interested in reading and maybe even take some fluff and use it for your campaign be my guest. http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/wenowil

    edit: Looks like we are the only ones in Sweden too!
  • CKIrisi
    Posts: 1
    Hej! I'm amused to find Swedish gamers here! I live in Michigan, but my family lives in Sweden, and I visit them often. I'm currently in the process of converting Göteborg into a setting for a Vampire: The Requiem game (most of my ideas/info are still on paper, so my online outline is really not impressive). If you have any ideas, please feel free to shoot me a line and we can collaborate.

    Just thought that was a fun coincidence and wanted to say hello! God Jul :)
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