aka Bagpuss here.

edited August 2007 in Player Lounge


  • DMaple
    Posts: 63
    Hi, Just I've started using the site it has some really nice features. I notice a few names on the forums I know from other boards so I thought I'd just mention I'm also known as Bagpuss on ENWorld and various RPG related sites.
  • Randolpho
    Posts: 27
    Heya, Bagpuss!

    Welcome to Obsidian. I've been really enjoying myself here lately, although I haven't had enough time to update as I'd like. It seems like everytime I sit down and say "I'm gonna go flesh out the campaign history some more, this time I mean it" something happens to drag me away from the computer.

    Ah, well.

    What do you think of Obsidian so far?
  • DMaple
    Posts: 63
    I've been using it sort of backwards really just to log the Savage Tide campaign that I've been running for our group. We are on a break from it at the moment so I've plenty of time to fill in what has gone before to refresh memories when we return.

    I but intend to use it in a more sensible fashion for a Star Wars campaign I'm working on.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    One of my players has gone above and beyond the call to fill in several years of old history for our campaign. I keep promising to update it with my notes, but I keep forgetting. Worst of all, I started this site because I kept losing my notes...

    Thanks again for signing up, and also for being vocal here on the forums. I have enjoyed your suggestions. Keep it up!
  • Randolpho
    Posts: 27
    Star Wars, eh? I'm doing the same. "The Shattered Hope":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/swtsh is my campaign. It's alternate timeline -- I stole the idea from a post on theRPGsite and have been running with it, making my own changes as I go. I've got a ton of notes written, but it takes a while for me to write up the narrative history I've been writing.
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