HERO System Character Sheet


  • FiredrakeMacFie
    Posts: 3
    Just thought this might be useful to someone.

    Here's how it looks (with one slight tweak for my Fantasy HERO campaign): http://www.obsidianportal.com/character/charactersheet

    Also a couple of characters with it 'in action' as it were:



    table{border:2px solid black}.
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}. *Description* |
    |\2. Race|\2{background:#ddd}. race|\2. Gender|\2{background:#ddd}. m/f/?|
    |\2. Height|\2{background:#ddd}. height|\2. Weight|\2{background:#ddd}. weight|
    |\2. Age|\2{background:#ddd}. age|
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}. *Totals* |
    |\2. Base|\2{background:#ddd}. 75|\2. Disadvantages|\2{background:#ddd}. 0|
    |\2. Experience|\2{background:#ddd}. 0|\2. Points Spent |\2{background:#ddd}. 0|
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}. *Characteristics* |
    |=. *Value*|=. *Char*|=. *Base*|=. *Cost*|=. *Max*|=. *Points*|
    |=. 10|\3=. Strength (STR)|=. 10|=. 1|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. Dexterity (DEX)|=. 10|=. 3|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. Constitution (CON)|=. 10|=. 2|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. BODY|=. 10|=. 2|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. Intelligence (INT)|=. 10|=. 1|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. EGO|=. 10|=. 2|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. Presence (PRE)|=. 10|=. 1|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 10|\3=. Comeliness (COM)|=. 10|=. 0.5|=. 20|=. 0|
    |=. 2|\3=. Physical Defense (PD)|=. 2|=. 1|=. 8|=. 0|
    |=. 2|\3=. Energy Defense (ED)|=. 2|=. 1|=. 8|=. 0|
    |=. 2|\3=. Speed (SPD)|=. 2.0|=. 10|=. 4|=. 0|
    |=. 4|\3=. Recovery (REC)|=. 4|=. 2|=. 10|=. 0|
    |=. 20|\3=. Endurance (END)|=. 20|=. 0.5|=. 50|=. 0|
    |=. 20|\3=. STUN|=. 20|=. 1|=. 50|=. 0|
    |\7>. *Characteristic Cost:*|={background:#ddd}. total|
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}. *Rolls/Stats* |
    |Strength|={background:#ddd}. 11-|Max Wt|={background:#ddd}. ? kg|Constitution|={background:#ddd}. 11-|Intelligence|={background:#ddd}. 11-|
    |Dexterity|={background:#ddd}. 11-|OCV|={background:#ddd}. 0|DCV|={background:#ddd}. 0|Perception|={background:#ddd}. 11-|
    |Ego|={background:#ddd}. 11-|ECV|={background:#ddd}. 0|Base PRE Attack|={background:#ddd}. ?d6|Phases|={background:#ddd}. 6 12|
    |Total PD|={background:#ddd}. 0|Resistant PD|={background:#ddd}. 0|Total ED|={background:#ddd}. 0|Resistant ED|={background:#ddd}. 0|
    |Running|={background:#ddd}. 6"|Swimming|={background:#ddd}. 2"|Jump(L)|={background:#ddd}. 2"|Jump(H)|={background:#ddd}. 1"|

    table{border:2px solid black}.
    |\9={background:#000; color:white}. *Skills* |
    |\4=. *Skill*|=. *Level*|=. *Basis*|=. *Roll*|=. *Base/Raise*|=. *Points*|
    |\4. Sample Skill|=. 0|=. DEX|=. 11-|=. 3/2|=. 3|
    |\8>. *Skills Cost:*|={background:#ddd}. total|
    |\9={background:#000; color:white}. *Talents/Perks* |
    |\8=. *Talent/Perk*|=. *Points*|
    |\8. Sample Talent/Perk|=. 0|
    |\8>. *Talent/Perks Cost:*|={background:#ddd}. total|
    |\9={background:#000; color:white}. *Powers* |
    |=. *Power*|=. *Level*|=. *Base*|=. *Adv*|=. *Lim*|=. *End*|=. *Roll*|=. *Active*|=. *Real*|
    |Sample Power|=. 0|=. 0|=. +0|=. -0|=. 0|=. 11-|=. 0|=. 0|
    |>. * Sample Advantage|=. -|=. -|=. +0|=. -|=. -|=. -|=. -|=. -|
    |>. * Sample Limitation|=. -|=. -|=. -|=. -0|=. -|=. -|=. -|=. -|
    |\8>. *Powers Cost:*|={background:#ddd}. total|

    table{border:2px solid black}.
    |\2={background:#000; color:white}. *Disadvantages* |
    |_. Disadvantage|_. Points|
    |Sample Disadvantage|=. -0|
    |>. *Disadvantage Value:*|={background:#ddd}. -0|

    table{border:2px solid black}.
    |\2={background:#000; color:white}. *Equipment* |
    |_. Item|_. Effects/Notes|
    |Sample Equipment|What it Does and other notes|
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