FIXED - Textile toolbar broken?

edited September 2008 in Bug Reports


  • TheShaggyDM
    Posts: 5
    I was having problems with the WYSIWYG editor, so I took the suggestion to disable it in my preferences and use pure textile editing instead. Aside from the occasional formatting problem, which are getting less and less frequent, it is a definite improvement over WYSIWYG.

    However, any time I try to click a button on the textile formatting toolbar above the edit window, one of two things happens, depending on the browser I am using.

    In Firefox 3.0.1 (my browser of choice), the page I am editing is immediately closed and the non-edited page displays. For example, if I am editing a wiki page and try to click the B button to make some text bold, it takes me back to viewing the same wiki page without making any changes to it.

    In IE6, the page does not reload, but I get an error like the following:

    Line: 183
    Char: 5
    Error: 'console' is undefined
    Code: 0

    Does anyone else have this problem, and is there a known workaround for it? I disabled AdBlock and NoScript in Firefox and fully allowed JavaScript and still have the same problem. Not sure what else to try.

    It's not a huge problem, as I can type in the formatting manually, but it would be a nice time saver, and there have been a few times that I accidentally clicked a toolbar button and lost some changes to a page.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    Yes, I use Firefox 3.0.1 and have the same problem you're experiencing.
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    Yep, I'm having the same problem.. We're on it.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Ugh, I've been away for a while. This is a major bug. I'll get right on it.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Any of you guys running firebug? We've played with it a bit, and it looks like it may be a firebug issue. We'll try to roll out a fix ASAP.
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    Fixed. Sloppiness with the Textile Toolbar javascript leaving around firebug debug code :(
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