Obsidian Portals Campaign Search Help

edited July 2017 in Campaign Portal Building


I am brand new to Obsidian Portals and am still just learning my way around this great site.  One of the things I found and am trying to use is the massive compendium of campaigns here at Obsidian Portals. 


Now I noticed that you can filter down to popularity, new games, looking for players, etc.  You can also search by the particular game system that you may be interested in.  However, despite my efforts I can't seem to be able to do both at once.  For example I'd love to be able to search for only Fate Games with the Looking For Players filter.  However, when I select Fate in this instance it always defers me back to default search and any attempt to filter removes my Fate filter.  Is there any way to accomplish both?  The convenience alone seems like it should be possible and I am merely missing something.  Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this.

Post edited by dumpsterbaby01 on
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