WYSIWG editor don't seem to work in Opera

edited July 2008 in Bug Reports


  • Huyderman
    Posts: 3
    The WYSIWG editor don't seem to work in Opera (9.5/Windows XP). I can enter text, but it won't save. Tested on same computer on FF2, and it works there. If nothing else, it should be possible to disable the WYSIWG editor and allow manual editing.
  • dm_punks
    Posts: 18
    I've also experienced this and have had to use Firefox to do my Obsidian Portal stuff. Opera's my default browser though, and it would really be nice to have this issue fixed.
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    We don't really test/support Opera. We've recently updated the Textile editor and we're going to be removing the WYSIWG editor soon, so I would suggest switching back to that. I'm going to mark this as fixed since Opera isn't really supported.
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