Spoiler-style hidden box text

edited November 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
Is there a way to add spoiler tags to text so it collapses under the Spoiler box until it is clicked and then it expands to show all text? I would like to organize my groups character sheets with these so they do not grow into massive walls of text.

example at...



  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    As far as I have seen, there are currently no sheets with this functionality. You could certainly make a DST that does it if you have the proper know-how.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    There's the command, but that doesn't seem to work on a character sheet.
    I've tried using a few CSS tricks, but most of them require CSS3. So if anyone can get a spoilers (or even a localized "more") button working, that would be very cool.

    "Signs & Portends":https://swtwc.obsidianportal.com
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    You'd need to build a custom sheet to do this properly, as Kallak suggests.

    There are some simple CSS tricks that you can use as a work-around for this kind of thing, but most of them don't work in this context for one reason or another.

    Your best option will hide all but the top line of a box (where you can put some label text), and show the rest of the box while you hover over it. To use this approach, put the following into your CSS, and mark a div with the spoiler class:


    "Demo Page":https://chainsawxiv-test-campaign.obsidianportal.com/wikis/spoiler-test
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Thanks Chainsaw! That did the trick.

    "Signs & Portends":swtwc.obsidianportal.com
    "Dwarves of Lost Koldukar":dwarves-1.obsidianportal.com
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