The Disciple of Metal - A D&D 3.5/Pathfinder Supplement

edited September 2014 in General Discussion
Hello cool people,

Many years ago I posted a homebrew prestige class to the Wizards D&D 3.5 Forums with the goal of making the ultimate Heavy Metal Bard. What began as a curiosity quickly grew into a fervent project of its own. Years later, I've revived the class and expanded it into a supplement 20-30 pages in length. I plan to release it as a PDF. But I'm rather short on the cash needed to hire a talented artist for it, so I've turned to Kickstarter to help make this project a reality. If a Heavy Metal Bard sounds like your thing and you play either D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder, I encourage you to check it out.

Thanks for your help in pitching and spreading the word. Rock on.
- Kriss


  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    Dude, I actually remember this thing from when I first started playing back in college. A buddy of mine pulled it up and we tinkered around with a build for him.

    You have a subscriber for sure in me.



    CotM Selection Committee

  • krissmorton
    Posts: 2
    Awesome! That's really refreshing to hear that someone who remembers the original is still around. Thanks a bunch :)
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