Referrencing the Same Image Repeditively for Character Sheet

edited August 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi All,

I am setting up an Edge of the Empire campaign and I am doing the character sheets first. I don't like the bulky layout of the DST, so I'm doing my own. Of course, I've been trying to do them with my limited knowledge of HTML and the use of a HTML editor. One of the things that I'm also learning is how CSS works.

Basically I I am trying to find a way to reference the Ability, Proficiency, Boost, Disadvantage and Difficulty Dice symbols without having to constantly put in the HTML link. Here is my "Test Character Sheet": I've been working my way through.

Yes there are three tables in that one table, but I don't have the skills do it any other way, so suggestions there would also be helpful.

Thanks in advance.
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