Random Generation Tables

edited July 2014 in General Discussion
Random Generation Tables such as for items, encounters, critical hit effects etc. Do you use them as a GM? What do you think as a player? Does it add more flavor or take away from the game? Ready....Set.....Go!!!!


  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Hi BluePhoenix8,

    I use random generation tables for items (loot, general furnishings) and encounters and names. There are a few I also use for descriptions (random color, random patterns, etc). It helps me focus on things other than creating a list that's different from the last list -- especially when coming up with things at the game (because the players went left, and I didn't even realize there was a left!). As a player and gm, I think it ads to the flavor of the game. Doing anything (as a GM) at the table (looking up or generating random info) takes a little away, but I try to minimize such distractions whenever possible.
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    I generally find that rolling on tables can lead to results outside the range I would often like, but it also produces results I never would have thought to use. It really depends on the group, I think.

    The only tables I would actually use are descriptive tables and loot/item drop tables. That said, I find it is much safer for a GM to roll loot BEFORE the encounter, not after, for the sake of consistency and to remove water-cooler logic issues.

    GM of "Whispers in Tamris":https://whispers-in-tamris.obsidianportal.com/
    Player of "Outremer":https://outremer.obsidianportal.com/


    CotM Selection Committee

  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    Something I would highly recommend getting (and it is free) is "Inspiration Pad Pro v3.0":http://nbos.com/products/ipad/ipad.htm There is a version for Windows and Android. There are some generators available on the site that you can download and start using right away. Creating your own tables that are used to do the generating is pretty easy.
  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    I use a random NPC name & trait generation system all the time. There are several lists of names (various backgrounds such as Latin, Celtic, Germanic etc) and also lists several traits and the default disposition of the NPC and does so for 5 NPCs at a time

    this has worked very well for me, with several NPCs becoming recognized major characters with a 'hook' that was actually generated on the fly by me when the PCs went 'off piste' (again!).

    here is my most recent random NPC; freshly generated for you now :)

    Name_______GUTO   (male) 
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