404 on Campaign Invite and Character

edited June 2008 in Bug Reports


  • stonadam05
    Posts: 1
    My profile says that I have a campaign invite and when I click on the hyperlink to it it rings me to a 404 message that says the campaign doesn't exist, *however* I am able to visit the wiki of the said campaign page.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I think we fixed this by changing your username. It used to have a period in it, correct?
  • danonray
    Posts: 1
    It seems I have the same issue. I have read a few of the postings and I need to redue my sign in since it has a . in it. However when I made a new sign in "Navik" it is giving me an error 500 message. Please look into this when your free, I am unable to edit/view my profile or even join my adventure party.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Well, there are 2 errors:

    1. The danon.ray account has the period in the name. When we get a chance we'll update the code to make this impossible.
    2. Your Navik account has "danon.ray" as your e-mail address. Obviously, that's not a real email, so your activation e-mail never gets sent. This is supposed to be impossible as well, but something is going wrong there, too. Grr

    Anyways, I have changed "danon.ray" to "danonray" so you should be able to login with that username.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
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