Game of Thrones RP

edited April 2014 in General Discussion
Hey guys, it's KrokaDude. I come to you who read this to say "I need a partner". What I mean by this is I need someone to start a new RP with me, it will take place at Kongergate in one of the Game of Thrones Ascent chat rooms. Even though this will take some time and work I really need someone who is on a lot and very reasonable. I will explain the rules and things to you when you arrive, my one rule I can say is "First come first serve" so if contact me on OP first and ask to be my partner you will be up there in the ranks by me. Anyway whoever is partnered up with me we need to figure out story behind so we have a place to start, we need to figure out whats types of magic can be allowed due to the fact people can totally take advantage and ruin it for everyone. I'm super excited to do this as I am quite experienced.
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