Need Help With New Campaign Idea - Mass Effect Meets Star Wars The Old Republic

edited January 2014 in General Discussion
Well, Shadows Over New York has begun it's final episode, and while by the rules of my gorup, I have to wait two campaigns before pitching another game (which means most likely 2 years), I've had an idea that been running through my mind now for some time. And I'm looking for some help, suggestions, and ideas from all of you.

The whole idea behind this new Campaign is to combine two of my favorite Games/Universes – Mass Effect and Star Wars. And, as sorta an inside joke almost, using the universe of The Old Republic (if nothing else, makes it easier to do a CGI intro film as I can use all ingame footage from both :) ) This idea originates from back when I was playing Mass Effect 3. You see, I was on a break from World of Warcraft, and was regularly playing The Old Republic and playing Mass Effect 3 after my IRL friends logged for the night. During almost every mission, as I was picking memebers for a mission, I kept thinking how cool it would be to be able to include my Jedi Consular form SWTOR as one of my ME team members.

The premise for this universe existing would involve the (much lamented) ending of Mass Effect 3 – The triggering of the super weapon and destruction of the Mass Relay network. Now, I’ve played ME1-3 a few times and every time I destroy the Reapers. So, we go with the old Star Trek technobabble and say the energy released from the Mass Relay destruction swept ‘Citadel Space’ to another dimension – the galaxy of The Old Republic (SWTOR). Modify the ME3 ending slightly to preserve EDI and the Geth, and we have our initial setup.

Place SWTOR slightly during the current MMO timeline, say, just after the second war with the Sith Empire is ended, and you got a Universe.

I will admit, the temptation to bring in other things – Have the Battlestar Galactica (classic look and characters, but new and old cylons together) and her fleet arrive, looking for Earth, just as Citadel Space is swept away, include Farscape as part of Citadel Space’s past, and have it go along too, is really tempting, but, I think it better to keep it to just the two - ME and SWTOR.

Even have an idea for the campaign beginning. In the unmodded ME3 ending, if you were max paragon (which I always am) there is a hint at the very end, that Shephard is alive. Take that and have it be a vision from the force, received by Master Satele Shan, and you have a beginning. The Jedi Council forms a team to find Commander Shephard, to bring her (yes, I play Femshep) back, as a means of solidifying the alliance between The Republic and Citadel Space. Which means, of course, the Sith do not want her found, or better yet, want to find her and turn her to the Dark Side.

This whole Campaign idea also sets up the question of whether Biotics and Force Use are the same or different.

First big issue, is coming up with a title for the campaign. I'm stumped. Any suggestions?

And, any thoughts, ideas, suggestions? Anything would be appreciated

Keelah Se'lai,
"Shadows Over New York":
"Campaign of the Month - July 2013":


  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    Since I suck at coming up with names (my first SW campaign was called "let's see if you survive"), I'll have to bow out on that one. Also, since I'm unfamiliar with Mass Effect I'm afraid I can't help much there. However, you mentioned a superweapon basically (sounds like) imploding the point of interest at the end of ME3, which sounds a lot like what happened between KOTOR and KOTOR II with the Mass Shadow Generator - my suggestion: could there be a connection? (Note: there's 300 yrs between KOTOR & SWTOR for stuff to happen too).
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    The Old Effect

    Just trying to help out.

  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Neat idea!
    I think sticking to merging the two franchises (and avoiding the desire to have a giant red ship in the background) is probably best.

    Oooh Good name killervp.

    A few other suggestions:
    The Old Citadel (Knights of the Old Republic had a "Citadel" space station as did Mass Effect)
    Bad feelings (a quote from many of the Star Wars and Mass Effect games - I have a bad feeling about this)
    docking bay 94 (a bit obtuse perhaps - but it's the docking bay number in A New Hope for the Millennium Falcon & used once in Mass Effect 2)
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    "The Furthest Stars"

    From the Mass Effect intro talking about relay technology. Reflects common themes of exploration and frontiers, and relevant to your campaign's "origin story".
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325 edited February 2014
    Not going to lie, I really want to play in this. I've played both series and thoroughly enjoyed them (good ol' Bioware) and see them working together well.

    Also, consider your "Star Trek technobabble" to work like the Alpha Relay: a gateway outside the galaxy which could propel something (like another relay, such as the Citadel) through it into another galaxy. Considering there are Mass Relays that have been lost, often knocked out of place and left to drift "endlessly", one from many millions of years ago could have gone all the way to the Star Wars galaxy.

    Keelah Se'lai, Keryth. And may the Force be with you.

    "Whispers in Tamris":
    Post edited by Maesenko on


    CotM Selection Committee

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047 edited February 2014
    I think I'm gonna go with "The Furthest Stars" - Thanks Basileus

    Maesenko - The "Star Trek Technobabble" actually comes from the TNG Episode "Yesterday's Enterprise". In that episode, A fierce exchange of photon otrpedoes sweeps the Enterprise C into a now alternate TNG timeline. Taking that idea and stretching it a bit, we have the discharge from the Mass Relays(I've looked it over again and I don't think the red explosions are the destruction of the Mass Relays as much as them expanding the 'EMP Effect' killing the Reapers) send Citadel Space into The Old Republic's reality.

    Thanks for all the suggestions gang. I'll be posting more here as things develop.

    And if anyone is curious, The Campaign Site is started: "The Furthest Stars":

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "Campaign of the Month - July 2013":
    Post edited by Keryth987 on

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