New Campaign: Managuenne

edited May 2008 in Player Lounge


  • managuenne
    Posts: 1
    Hi Folks!

    This seemed like a great venue to post what I have so far in my new campaign universe Managuenne. A heavily modified D&D/D20 gaming universe. All new races, classes, and well most stuff! I have been playing D&D on and off for about 26 years now. My first set came in a little red box. We used to play on the bus riding home without dice. I played a great game in college with an amazing DM whom I wont out at the moment. And I ran a totally original campaign universe/game system in college as well. I havent played for many many years, I prefer a heavy roleplaying world over rules and regs. Looking forward to meeting some folks. Hope for lots of feedback about the campaign world
    -Cheers Abraham
  • Micah
    Posts: 894

    This venue lends itself heavily to the role playing (as opposed to roll playing), so I think you'll fit in well.

    If you want instant popularity, browse around and comment on other peoples' campaigns, and invite a few to be your friends. I think you'll find that most people are pretty friendly...and love to know that people are reading their material.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hey, welcome! Sorry, I'd have said something sooner, but I was out of town in a place bereft of good Internet access.

    I love the remark about how you won't "out" your DM. It makes me think s/he is already here, which is tantalizing. You'll make a good DM yourself if you can do more of that. =)
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