The 30 Character Challenge!

edited November 2012 in General Discussion
Whattup OP

so i've entered the "30 Character Challenge,": this art blog thing they've been holding every November for the last four years.

The whole basis of it is to make a 'new character' every day for the month of November.

I've been using this challenge as a means to finally get around to drawing/scanning PC portraits for players in my tabletop games.

It's a good incentive to be prolific with doodling and stuff. "My entries": can be seen "here.":

We're about a third of the way into the challenge, and I'm starting to run out of PC's to draw. I finished my first group of 4-5 and I'm almost through with my second group of 6. (I've padded a few entries with NPC characters, but i'd rather not.)

So I'm proposing to anyone who's feelin' the sketches;

Provide a detailed description of your character, and I'll make an entry for him/her. The more details the better.

really though, i might take liberties and give em a mustache
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