pbp Traveller campaign looking for players

edited September 2012 in Player Lounge
Beyond The Frontier

It is the year 1323 Imperial, the Golden Age lies two hundred years in the past, two hundred years as well since the first wave of colonists; refugees from the shattered Imperium, began to settle in the Spinward Hinters and beyond The Frontier. From the time of the rebellion to the coming of the virus, other waves of colonist have come, the Solomani fleeing the doom that came to all charted space, and the Zhodani fleeing their Consulate sundered upon the Empress Wave and the assault of The Black Ships. The same Black Ships on the horizon, now menacing the New Frontier…

The expedition began on Banderhue (Ban-Der-Way), a T-Prime world in Banderhue subsector, Theta Borealis sector; with a University of Terrelay Research and Exploration Expedition forming; searching for a way to save their Republic and new allies to aid them. Citizens of all walks of life have assembled to journey with the Expedition, pooling their skills for success, many looking for adventure of the unknown. It is well, for adventure abounds in the worlds Beyond The Frontier. Now it is across the sector and has left Stella Maris, traveling to their final destination of the Gate Worlds.


This is a play by post game using the Classic Traveller rules system.

A few pertinent facts are: I am 44, so it will be more of a mature game (younger players are welcome though), play has settled into daily or so posting, just about any character type would be interesting, barring only two, no K'kree or Hiver, but I do have a more relevant minor, the Nyadhel, a dark variant of Darrians. some interesting character types that would be great fit are:

Rogue Trader/Smuggler

You can contact me at:

King13cuda (at) yahoo dot com

or sign up at obsidian portal and send me a message.

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