Flash Fiction fun with RPGs!

edited September 2012 in General Discussion
Hey everyone,

I was hoping to hear from players who had heard of or done any "flash" gaming- i.e. quick 30-45 minute sessions for 1-4 players.

My current group is a lot of fun, but we never seem to arrive at the same time for the game. We're all coming from different parts of town, so the players usually trickle in on game night over the course of an hour. This results in some of the guys sitting around, waiting to get started. We usually just fill the void with chit chat or game prep, but the other night I thought "Why not have a mini game?!"

You know, something to start the night off, like an RPG appetizer. This would give me a chance to enjoy some quick GMing, give the GM a fun break so they can play, and whet our collective appetites for the rest of the night.

I've got a pretty easy, quick system in mind, nothing rules-laden or slow moving like 4e or even D20- just a stripped down FUDGE with a few fun little twists thrown in for the setting. So, two D6s, a brief narrative intro, and some _Slam-Bam-thank you, Ma'am_ to get everyone in the mood.

So, again, the question is whether anyone has experienced anything like this and, if you did, how did you enjoy it? Feel free to comment even if you haven't played any "flash" games either. I've spent a few hours around the web looking for anything like this, but to no avail. Thank goodness for OP and its community! If anyone will know about this sort thing, you guys will :)



  • Eshu
    Posts: 1
    I've never tried the flash game, we usually filled the dead lead-in space with trips to get food & munchies, Magic the Bankruptcy, random chatter and private GM convo's. Sounds like a good solution though...something quick and disposable in case people do show up, and incentive for people to maybe get in early.
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