Textile tables not functioning

edited August 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm not sure if there's perhaps something I'm not understanding, but I'm trying to use the most basic of tables and it's not functioning at all. Code looks like this:

| 2h Sword | 56 |
| Long Sword | 36 |
| Short Sword | 15 |

...et cetera. The wiki is interpreting it directly as text, i.e., displaying exactly as you see above. The bold on "Weaponry" works fine, but after that I just have a bunch of pipes and words, not a table. I'm forced to use HTML for this, which is far more clunky and ugly in formatting. Do I need to indicate that a table is starting in some way, or toggle an option somewhere? Haven't had any other related problems with Textile, it's just tables that do nothing.


  • Savannah
    Posts: 188 edited August 2012
    Changing it to


    | 2h Sword | 56 |
    | Long Sword | 36 |
    | Short Sword | 15 |

    should work. It's very picky about having enough line breaks.
    Post edited by Savannah on
  • GentleZacharias
    Posts: 2
    Wow, I feel dumb. Thank you!
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    You're not dumb. It's picky as hell. And god help you if you don't actually want the white space it demands. :)
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    If you don't want the whitespace demanded, you can kinda get around it by adding a br {display:none;} to the css of the class of the container of your code. Watch out, though - that makes all linebreaks disappear.
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