Can this be done?

edited June 2012 in General Discussion
I pulled my bestiary from a few different sources. I drew the Saporoling/Thalid semi-directly while I took the physical appearance direction for my "Dreamlings" from the Kami. I've changed around some of the things from the MM. I've pulled my clockwork ideas from Hellboy. However I've pulled no heavier than from FFXII. It's bestiary is perfect, with the wildlife being the same animal base, with changes based on terrain, foodsources, and even other wildlife. It's thorough. Now I've found the ingame bestiary:

And was wondering if one of you geniuses (I'm looking at you Gnunn, Killervp, Arsheesh, Chainsaw..... I'm looking deeply,) could come up with a way to turn the stats into something that could be put in a 4e monster block. So far I've been winging it, and it is taking up a rediculous ammount of notebook paper. Anyone got any ideas?
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