character/item slugs


  • mistrlittlejeans
    Posts: 3
    How do you replace the slug # with a name? I've noticed that a lot of people have something like [[kearos]] for a slug rather than [[1234]].
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    [[:1234]] = 1234
    [[:1234 | slug name]] = slug name

    Uou may have to remove the spaces around the "|".
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    At least for characters, there's the "URL-Friendly Name" field directly beneath the "Name" field - this lets you create a slug name. For example, I have [[:tisk]] and [[:marli]] and [[:snarkbabe289]] instead of "Michelle 'Tisk' Saint-Chant" or "Marli Krolik" or "Nicole Matthews".
  • geekevolved
    Posts: 75
    Femme has it spot on there.
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