Hi Everyone

edited January 2008 in Player Lounge


  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    Hey Everyone!

    I have to say this is such a great idea. Once I found this site I was completely inspired to move my entire D3.5 game (which has been on hiatus for the past year) to the web.

    Check out what I've done so far:

    I was wondering if I could put in a request? It would be great if there was a feature on the DM wiki pages to make them visible and accessible to the Player wiki pages, otherwise it's a lot of cutting and pasting!

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I think the point of the DM Wiki was to store information that needed to be kept secret until the PCs discovered it. So there would be a lot of cut/paste action if they happened to stumble upon a bunch of big secrets at once, but anything they already start the game knowing could just go straight into the Party Wiki.

    Oh, and yeah - Hi there! Always glad to see new faces.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    There is already some discussion on the DM Wiki issues in our feature request forum- which you will have probably already discovered by the time I post this.

    At any rate, welcome to the site! I'll be looking forward to seeing what you'll do with your campaign site!
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Oo, a lizardfolk and ghostwise.. sounds very interesting! That poor human must feel like the weirdo, ha! Good luck with your game, and welcome to the site!
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    Heh thanks Mandi, don't forget the Drow ;) Yeah, the homebrewed city-state island, is at least _tolerant_ of other, more "notorious", races-- I figure if Drizzt is one of the most famous heroes in faerun, and he's a drow, there has to be to some given and take on the issue.
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