dnd4e files to dynamic character sheets?

edited July 2011 in General Discussion
Has anyone had any success finding a way to have the info in the .dnd4e file display in a dynamic character sheet?

If would be a great help and I really enjoy it on iplay4e but would like to be able to do it here as well.



  • nookleer
    Posts: 1
    Truth told.. considering that WoC change the way they save character sheets constantly, it will be difficult to implement..

    However, maybe someone can import the i4e files...?
  • macmathan
    Posts: 2
    That is what I am looking for, iplay4e manages to parse all the information out into a usuable form from an uploaded i4e file.

    It would make keeping/updating characters here so much easier and make OP even more complete.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Another user created an importer for them. There's a forum post about it "here":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=2089&page=1#Item_4. Eventually I'll even get around to updating the sheet to support more of the details his tool can provide, but for now at least it can fill in the major information for you.
  • bullywug
    Posts: 2
    Character importer no longer works. It's giving a sever error.
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